18 BabySitting

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.::. FFW 2 Months .::.
Finally I had those horrible casts removed. They were driving me insane. It was nice to be able to have a hot relaxing bath and not worry about getting the casts wet.
Today I had agreed to take care of Harmony while Roxy and Matt went shopping for the day. Roxy had dropped her off about 8am along with several 'survival' bags, as Matt called them.
It felt so nice to be able to hold Harm with both arms. She had grown a lot during the past 2 months seeing as though she was so tiny when she was born.Zacky was still upstairs asleep, he didn't normally get up till at least 11am.
"hey little baby, wanna wake up Wacky uncle Zacky?" I said bouncing Harm lightly on my knee. Before climbing up the stairs. I reached our bedroom, and opened it. Greeted with Zackys soft snore. His hair was a mess bless. I climbed onto the and sat down next to Zacky, being as quiet as I could.
Harm let out a cute little giggle as I placed her on the bed next to Zacky. I took hold of her tiny little arm, and pretended to slap the sleeping Zacky. This made Harmony giggle even more.
"Wakey, wakey uncle Zacky" I said in a small childish voice.
Zackys eyes opened as he slowly rolled to face us both. "Hey pretty ladies" he said in a groggy morning voice. "watcha giggling at stinky" Zacky started to tickle Harm who just giggled more "is some one ticklish.... oh yes they are"
Zacky was amazing with Harmony, a natural parent type. I couldn't help but smile watching them both giggling and having a little cuddle. "Now lets go beat your Aunty Eme up"
"oh no, help, I'm being attacked by a little horror, agghhh" Zacky passed Harmony to me, kissing me on the lips, as he got out of bed to get showered and dressed. "Come on Harm lets go make uncle Zacky a coffee"
I put Harm down in her foldaway crib while I put some coffee on, and got her a bottle ready. It did feel strange getting a bottle ready, haven't had to do it since I was in my teens babysitting for my moms friend.
I picked Harmony back up out of her crib, and took her into the front room to giver her the bottle. I was too busy feeding her to notice Zacky standing in the door way, until he spoke "you're a natural" he smiled sitting down next to me."So are you babe."
"you know it makes my heart melt seeing you with her."
"aww Zacky, that’s so sweet" I kissed him before looking back down at Harm. She was definitely Roxy and Matts little girl. She had Roxys eyes and nose with Matts grin and dimples.
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It was about 4pm when Roxy and Matt arrived back to collect Harmony.
"Hey my baby girl, Mommy has missed you" Roxy said taking her out of my hand"i hope you've been good for aunty and uncle"
"Oh she's been absolutely fine, as good as gold" I said
"Yeah, we've loved her being here."
"Thanks again both of you, we best get her back home, it's nearly bath time" Roxy giggled. "say bye bye H" she gently waved her arm.
"Bye bye sweetie."
"Be good for your mommy and daddy" Zacky added before closing the door.
"Aww, I really like being able to look after her. She really is just so good"
"yeah baby"
"I want us to have a baby too." Zacky caught me by surprise, I wasn't expecting him to say that. "I’m sorry."
"Don't be sorry babe. I want a baby too"
"hmmmm, well we both want a baby. I wonder how we go about having one?""I don't know Mr Vengeance, How do we go about making one?" I said sarcastically backing myself up the stairs, before turning to run laughing.
I didn't make it far before a strong pair of arms had grabbed a hold of me and pushed me against the nearest wall. His lips came crashing roughly on to mine, kissing me deeply, while taking hold of my wrists and pinning them above my head.
"so you thought you could get away from me did ya" I shook my head. "Well I’ve got you now and there is nothing you can do about it" he took hold of my wrists with just one of his hands, he gently put his hand onto my back kissing me again. His other hand pulling my shirt off over my head before unhooking my bra. I couldn't remove any of his clothing as he still had my hands held above my head. He was in complete control. I felt my trousers and underwear drop to the floor.
"Your so sexy babe" he whispered in my ear, before he dropped his own trousers to the floor. "Now lets see if we can work out this baby making" He kissed me deeply again.

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