16. If I let go of your Hand

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Please please please think it's still valentine's day lmao


"Namjoon-ssi, other characters' shoot is going to be over soon. The director is asking for you", Yerin, Namjoon's make up artist, informs him. Namjoon smiles at her. "I'll be out in a minute", he says. He looks at the mirror, deeming himself good to go.

Before he can step out of his green room, though, his phone rings. He frowns. No one calls him this early. It's only five in the morning. He pulls out his phone and considers not receiving the call when he sees it's from an unknown number.

Shrugging, he picks it up anyway. "Hello?", he starts. "Yes, this is Kim Namjoon. How can I help you?", he asks, tapping his foot impatiently. "Jeon Jungkook? What about him?", he questions, a little concerned.

"What the fuck? You're lying! No- you wouldn't", Namjoon's hands become cold, shaking a little as his eyes widen in fear and disbelief. "I can't do that", he whispers, pleading.

"Please don't do this", his voice is so low he can barely even hear himself. He just hopes no one comes inside. "Okay, okay, fine. I'll do it. Just don't- I swear!", he exclaims, wanting nothing more than to cry out. What the fuck is happening?

"I'll make sure no one knows. No. I won't tell him- or anyone. Just please don't leak anything", his voice is completely shaking right now. This is not how he had planned his day to go. It's Valentine's Day for fuck's sake!

The call gets cut, leaving Namjoon feeling mortified, dread settling slowly in the pit of his stomach. He hates this.

"Namjoon-ssi! Jungkook-ssi is hear! Your shot is ready!", someone shrieks. Namjoon takes deep breaths. How is he going to act like nothing's wrong?

How is he going to face Jungkook?


"Why are you doing this?!", Moon yells, tears streaming down his face. Ryung doesn't look at him, keeping his head down. "Please try to understand, my king. This was never supposed to get serious. I thought you were just having a little fun with me", he says, feeling like someone has stabbed his heart a million times.

"Having a little fun?! After I told you I'm in love with you?!", Moon shouts, hands fisting on the front of Ryung's robe. The army general sighs timidly, faking his dismay fairly easily. "I'm sorry, my king. I don't love you", he breathes out. I can't.

More tears fall out of the king's eyes and he falls onto his knees in front of Ryung. He's disrespecting the throne which is right behind him, lowering his head in front of someone ranked way lower than him. But he doesn't care. His unconditional love for the general doesn't allow him to.

"Please, don't do this", he begs, feeling a sense of Deja Vu cross over him. They've been here before. "Whatever's wrong, tell me so I can fix it. Just please don't leave me. I don't want the crown. I don't want the throne. I just want you. I'm all yours", he sobs, shaking hard.

Ryung turns around, eyes welling up with tears of pain and helplessness. He wants nothing more than to hold his lover in his arms and pamper him with love and kisses. He wants to tell him that he'll forever be his and his only. If only it was that easy.

"You were never mine, my- your majesty. Our love has always been forbidden", he says, keeping his voice emotionless. He has to keep Moon safe.

Moon, meanwhile, sobs harder, gripping the back of the general's robe.

"Is this how it ends?"

"Cut!", Yoongi yells. It's silent for a few minutes, tears falling down both Namjoon and Jungkook's faces, breaths rapid as they stare at each other, chests heaving with the sudden surge of emotions.

Suddenly, a clap resonates in the air, followed by many others until it all joins together to form an applause. Jungkook starts crying, hands on his face. Namjoon, too, wipes his own tears, sniffling a little.

He watches Taehyung wrap his arms around the younger actor, only then remembering they're both really good friends. Good thing Jungkook has someone to take care of him. He won't be able to do that anymore.

"That was phenomenal", Hoseok comes up to them. He's smiling widely but it's obvious he's been crying, too. Namjoon doesn't know whether they just acted that good or if the storyline was enough to make everyone cry and feel for the characters.

"Yoongi has excused himself to our hotel room so I have to go to him but you both did really great", Hoseok's voice breaks a little but Namjoon ignores it. He doesn't want to make the producer feel embarassed. Hoseok pats his and Jungkook's shoulder before announcing pack up for the day and leaving.

"Hush, Jungkookie. It's over now", Taehyung whispers, loud enough for Namjoon to hear. "I know. The tears just keep coming!", Jungkook whines, voice shaking. Taehyung chuckles and that makes Namjoon smile sadly. God, he's going to regret this.

"Alright, you can go now. I have to talk to Namjoon", Jungkook suddenly says, playfully pushing Taehyung away. The man huffs, feigning annoyance. "Wow. This is what I get for being an amazing friend?", he kicks Jungkook's butt.

The younger smiles at him and pulls him into a tight hug before pushing him once again. "Go to your boyfriend or something", he says, waving him off. Taehyung just shakes his head with a laugh but doesn't argue, rushing towards Park Jimin, who seems to be affected, too.

"Joonie, come with me", Jungkook says, taking his hand and leading them towards the bridge where they had had their first real kiss. Namjoon tries not to panic. He's about to break this man's heart. Or maybe just his own.

He can't do this. But he has to. For Jungkook.

He feels his heart break into a million pieces as Jungkook pulls out a red rose from his costume and gets on his knees, holding Namjoon's left hand gently. There's a small smile on his face. As if he's sure of the outcome.

"Will you be my valentine?"

Namjoon can't do this. He can't. He can't. He-

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. I can't".

 I can't"

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