3. Royalty

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"May I have this dance?"

Jungkook turns wide-eyed towards the direction of the voice, too scared to say anything.

The crown prince of Silla is standing right in front of him, hand outstretched, asking him for a dance.

His eyes flicker to the people around the hall, giving them side glances. He gulps in fear. "Your highness--", he starts but gets cut off by the prince. "Call me Moon", Namjoon's character says, a small smile lingering on his pretty lips.

Jungkook realizes he's still waiting for an answer. If the Royals find out that he dared dance with the prince, he'd be evacuated right then. After all, he's just a mere servant for the Royal household.

His masked eyes move to Namjoon's outfit. The taller man is wearing a blue satin jacket, white stripes and silver chains connecting the sides. The cuffs of his shirt are red, matching with his waist belt.

No doubt, he's just as beautiful as Jungkook had heard.

He thinks about his own clothes. He's wearing a velvet black jacket a frill white shirt underneath, a golden belt adorning his tiny waist, and beautiful golden cufflinks.

His noble friend had assured him that he looks no less than a royalty himself. He stares at his trembling hands. "I'm not who you think I am", he says slowly, in a low voice.

Namjoon just gives him a beautiful smile, dimples denting his cheeks. "Then give me a chance to know you. May I have this dance?, he repeats. Jungkook is about to politely decline when Namjoon speaks up again.


"Cutl" the director shouts.

Jungkook sighs, thanking the almighty for making this third shot perfect. "You were really good, Jungkook!", Namjoon says excitedly. Jungkook gives him a kind smile. "You were good, too", he says, forgetting about the grudge he's supposed to keep.

"What next?", Jungkook asks when Soojin nears him. Namjoon excuses himself to let them have their conversation. "After this, there's one more scene and then we'll be done for the day. Next shoot is tomorrow evening so you're free till then", she informs.

Jungkook takes a relieved breath and slumps down on the couch. Soojin sits right beside him, letting his head rest on her shoulder.

The story isn't something extravagant. Jungkook's character, Ryung, is the chief of the Royal Army, a servant to the royal family. His whole family has been serving the Royals since years before he was even born.

When he hears about the Royal Waltz, he decides to play his chances and sneaks into the hall, eyes hidden behind his navy blue mask. Problem arises only when the crown prince of his kingdom decides to ask him fora dance.

Jungkook is told that even though the story is a cliche, the success of it depends solely on the acting and the visual. Hence, it goes unsaid that he's ready to put his all in this movie. He wants it to be a hit.

"What are you thinking?", Soojin asks. Jungkook shakes his head. "Just about the story", he answers. She nods. Just then, a makeup artist arrives out of nowhere and informs him that she needs to touch up his makeup. The shot is in twenty.

"Ready?", Shin speaks into the mic, eyes staring intensely at the monitor, judging their every move. Jungkook raises a thumb up and Namjoon just gives a timid nod.

"Lights to the front! And action!"

"I---", Jungkook's character fumbles on his words. Namjoon's smile never falters. "Just this once?" he requests, eyes hopeful. Jungkook doesn't have the heart to turn him down.

With some hesitation, he keeps his hand on top of Namjoon's gloved one, feeling the softness of the velvet seep through his fingers. He shouldn't be doing this.

Heck, he shouldn't be here in the first place. An army general has some dignity. Jungkook has put that all on stake just because his curiosity turned out to be bigger than his rationality.

Namjoon's warm hands rest on the small of his back. Respectful. Jungkook rests his hand gingerly on the prince's shoulder and gives his other hand in Namjoon's right one, letting him take the lead.

"May l know your name?", Namjoon asks halfway through the dance. Jungkook panics a little but keeps his ground. "I'm afraid not", he says apologetically. There it is. That same beautiful smile.

"That isn't a problem. What should I call you then?", he asks softly. The music suddenly changes to a more soothing one. "Your highness---'; he starts when he realizes he's going to be late for the training of his soldiers.

"Moon", Namjoon whispers. Jungkook feels shivers run down his spine. "Moon", he lets the name slip past his lips, leaving a ticklish feeling in his heart. Namjoon's smile widens, dimples as deep as the ocean.

Jungkook hears people whispering, eyeing them with judging gazes, prying mouths hidden behind soft hands. "I have to go", he speaks with urgency. Namjoon frowns, for first time that evening.

"Mind telling me where I can find you?", he asks. Jungkook sputters at his bluntness. His waist is burning where Namjoon's hand is holding it softly. His eyes gaze up at the clock on the wall. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"That won't be necessary", he answers lastly and untangles him from the prince, giving him a pitiful look before turning back around and almost sprinting to reach his room.

Meanwhile, Namjoon just stands there, not minding the questioning gazes he gets from the guests around him.

He's going to find the pretty stranger.

"Cut!", Shin yells. Everyone claps loudly. Namjoon takes a deep breath. Because hey, that was intense. Jungkook was so good. Namjoon almost forgot they were just acting. He didn't expect that from the younger. Not after seeing one of his films.

"You're an amazing actor, Jungkook-ssi", he compliments once they are outside Jungkook's green room. Namjoon's is just ahead of his.

Jungkook frowns. What a hypocrite. "Didn't you say my acting was just "okay"?", he asks, air quoting. He's suddenly feeling petty. Blame it on his constant mood changes.

Namjoon's ears turn red. "I didn't like that movie, honestly. You're really good. I think your role didn't do your acting skills justice. I'm sorry if you were hurt", he says softly.

Jungkook realizes he's kind of right. He didn't really like the role either. But again, he's feeling petty today. So, instead of acknowledging Namjoon's apology, he opens the door to his room and gets inside.


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