6. Calm before the storm

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"Noona!", Jungkook whines. Soojin sighs exasperatedly. "What happened now?", she asks. Jungkook pouts. "I don't want to sit beside Yoongi and Hoseok hyung", he complains.

Soojin rolls her eyes. "And why's that?", she asks. "I'm intimidated by them. Besides, they keep sucking faces", he shrugs. Soojin can't help but laugh at that. "Alright, you can take my seat", she says.

Jungkook's eyes light up. "Who's sitting beside you?", he asks excitedly. Soojin taps her chin before shrugging. "I have no idea", she says after a while. Jungkook doesn't mind much. Anyone is better than his Director and Producer.

"But", Soojin interrupts his thoughts. He looks at her attentively. "Do not roam around after getting out of the flight. We'll go to the hotel together, okay?"

Jungkook nods enthusiastically. "Of course. Thank you!", he cheers, hugging her tightly. She rolls her eyes but hugs him back, smiling. "It's nothing", she says, waving him off.

Jungkook nods one more time before rushing off to find his seat. He settles his luggage before taking his seat. He wonders vaguely about his seat mate but since it's a private jet, he doesn't mind much. After all, he can still have his own space.

And again, he's okay with anyone but Hoseok and Yoongi.

Two minutes in and Jungkook realizes how wrong he had been. He's not okay with Kim Namjoon sitting beside him, not too close but not faraway either.

Oh my god. Why is he sitting here? Please don't notice me. Please. Please. No no---

"Jungkook, hi!", Namjoon exclaims, grin wide, dimples denting his pretty cheeks. Not pretty, Jeon. Jungkook scolds himself. Seems like Namjoon has forgotten all about the awkward moment they had earlier.

He forces himself to smile back. "H-Hi", he stutters. And while Namjoon doesn't make him uncomfortable, per se, he does make his stomach feel weird. There's a weird kind of flutter inside him everytime he's around the older. He's not sure if he likes it.

Namjoon seems to notice his discomfort and ducks his head, ashamed. "I'm sorry about that day", he says. Jungkook shakes his head. "It's f-fine", he tries to come off as nonchalant but it only sounds forced.

Namjoon sighs and turns to look outside the window. Jungkook is a little disappointed but he's also comforted. Thank god. He's not the best at holding social interactions.

He takes one look behind himself, grinning when he sees Jimin covering Taehyung's sleeping body with a blanket. They're a cute couple. He's always liked them.

He remembers what Soojin told him and sighs heavily. Going to the hotel with Soojin isn't a problem. But Jungkook knows that she won't let him go for sight seeing without her.

Don't get him wrong. He loves his manager to bits but he needs time to himself. He knows she's worried about him because he's a celebrity and all but he's not sure anyone in Brussels would recognize him.

Jungkook huffs to himself before slumping completely on his seat, reclining it to be more comfortable. He looks at Namjoon from his side eye. The older is busy watching something on his phone.

He sighs more, a little bratty. Okay, a lot bratty. And turns to his side, facing the window and sliding his sleep mask over his face.

Ten hours. He's already exhausted.

"Wow, it's hotter than I thought", Namjoon says as he climbs out of the jet. Sejin comes rushing behind him. "Well, Belgium isn't a freezing country", he comments.

Namjoon nods and looks back at the other people of his crew. Honestly, he's looking for a certain fluffy haired man. Why? Well.... "Namjoon-ah, I think we're good to go", he hears Sejin say.

Disappointed, he turns around and mindlessly follows his manager. "Were you looking for someone?", Sejin asks as they keep their luggage in the trunk of the taxi. The producer has rented cars but they'll be used for official schedules.

"No one in particular", he mumbles. Sejin gives him a side eye like he doesn't quite believe him but doesn't question either. Namjoon loves that about him. He's always willing to let him keep his personal things to himself. Well, unless it starts to bother him too much.

"What's your deal? You've been too quiet lately", Sejin asks worriedly once the taxi driver has started driving them to the hotel.

Namjoon shrugs his shoulders. "Jet lag, probably", he answers, looking out of the window at numerous big buildings, people walking, laughing, eating at open restaurants. It's nice, homely.

"Namjoon, I don't want to intrude but you know I'm not talking about just today. You've been kind of distant. Even day before yesterday, you kept forgetting your lines", he pesters.

Namjoon clicks his tongue out of annoyance. "It's nothing", he insists. He hears Sejin sigh heavily and secretly watches him pinch the bridge of his nose. He seems like he wants to argue but no words leave him. In the end, he just shakes his head and closes his eyes.

Namjoon pouts a little, feeling bad for worrying his manager. But he can't help it. He feels a little lightheaded and his heart feels heavier than he's worth of carrying.

"Which hotel are we staying at?", he asks after a minute, wanting to ease the tension inside the vehicle. "Art de Sèjour. One of the most recommended boutique hotels here. I've heard the hosts are amazing and the facilities are impeccable", Sejin answers in monotone.

Namjoon nods, suddenly feeling a little spark light up in him. He's excited. "Are all the crew members staying here?", he asks. "Most probably. I'm not too sure, though", Sejin answers calmly.

"Alright. I actually wanted to talk to Min PD-nim about something, though", Namjoon replies. Sejin's eyes widen with something akin to amusement. "Joon-ah, I don't think he's gonna come out of his room anytime soon", he says, a mischievous grin spreading to his face.

Namjoon eyes him suspiciously. "Why's that?", he asks. "Well, just so you know he's rooming with his husband", Sejin says. Then, with a smirk, adds, "For obvious reasons".

Namjoon snorts. "Hyung, they're not teenagers dating, they're literally husbands. Of course they'll room together", he says. Sejin scoffs. "Don't ruin the mood", he says and hits Namjoon's arm lightly.

Namjoon rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything else. If he won't get to talk to Yoongi anytime soon, he'd have to think of something else to do for his days off.

"Hyung, am I allowed to go outside alone?", he asks.

Sejin gives him a sharp glare. "Kim Namjoon, absolutely don't think about doing anything like that. You wanna go somewhere? I'll come with you".

And well, Namjoon doesn't plan on decieving his manager.

Absolutely not.

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