20. I hear the Ocean

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WARNING: Implied panic attack.

"Jungkook! Jungkook, what's wrong?!", Namjoon yells, shaking Jungkook a little. Jungkook snaps out of his trance, head turning towards Namjoon. The other actor flinches as he looks at Jungkook's eyes, wide and gradually filling with tears.

"What's wrong?", he asks, softer this time. It takes Jungkook an extra minute to process Namjoon's words. And when he does, he opens his mouth to answer but nothing comes out. He holds out his shaking hand, showing Namjoon the tweets.

 He holds out his shaking hand, showing Namjoon the tweets

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"Oh my god", Namjoon whispers, eyes as wide as Jungkook's now

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"Oh my god", Namjoon whispers, eyes as wide as Jungkook's now. Jungkook is starting to cry now but Namjoon is too busy thinking about something. "Shit, fuck, no, no, no! This can't be happening! They said they wouldn't publicise it! They promised me! Oh my god, what the fuck-"

"What", Jungkook's small, confused voice stops Namjoon's panicked rambling and Namjoon slaps a hand over his mouth. Shit. Jungkook wasn't supposed to know about this. "Jungkook-", he starts, gulping nervously as he tries to calmly talk about the situation at hand but Jungkook doesn't let him complete.

"W-What do you m-mean they promised y-you?", the younger actor asks, looking at Namjoon with a certain emotion in his eyes that the older doesn't wish to perceive. "Jungkook, listen, I can explain. I was just trying to-"

"You knew about this", Jungkook whispers more to himself than to Namjoon, finally putting two and two together. "Jungkook, please. Ar least let me explain. I didn't know they would-", Namjoon's sentence is cut off once again.

"You knew about this", Jungkook repeats, emphasising his words. Namjoon watches helplessly as his hands start fisting the sheets on top of his bed, wringing the material so hard that it wouldn't be a surprise if it tears apart. That's the last of Namjoon's worries.

"Get out", Jungkook says lowly, not meeting Namjoon's eyes. He's still shaking heavily and Namjoon really doesn't want to leave him by himself. He knows a panic attack is approaching. Jungkook hates being alone during one of those.

"Kook, please listen to me. I'd never do anything to hurt you. I didn't know-", "How the hell did you-", Jungkook stops himself. He takes a deep breath, bracing himself before speaking once again. "Get out", he repeats himself.

"Jungkook, I didn't...", Namjoon trails off, eyes getting glossy. He never thought this would happen. He was just trying to protect Jungkook. "I won't ask you again. Please. Just get out of my room. I don't even wanna see your face right now", Jungkook hisses, fresh tears streaming down his face.

"Jungkook, please, I-"

"Get the fuck out of my room! I don't wanna see you! I fucking hate you! I hate you, Namjoon!", Jungkook screams, getting out of the bed as if there's nothing more revolting than sitting on the same bed as Namjoon.

The older actor startles at the sudden rise in Jungkook's volume. He cowers in fear, getting up from the bed as well, as if he's been burned. He can't muster the courage to look at Jungkook's face when he tries, for the last time, "Jungkook..."

"Leave me alone!", Jungkook shouts. An unexpected sob spills out of Namjoon's lips that surprises even him. He doesn't say anything more as he turns around and practically runs out of Jungkook's bedroom. He can still hear Jungkook's own choked cries.

As soon as he's out the door, he bumps into Soojin. "Namjoon?!", she exclaims, shocked by his condition. His eyes are red, tears drying on his face, leaving stains in their wake. He knows he looks like a total mess but he doesn't even care.

Manager Soojin doesn't look any better herself, though. Probably stressed by the unexpected scandal. Namjoon doesn't even bear to think about it anymore. "Please take care of Jungkook", he chokes out and bypasses her, ignoring the concern etched all over his face.

Namjoon rushes outside of the hotel, ignoring the stares he recieves. He walks straight towards The Bridge. The one where Jungkook asked him out. The one where Namjoon rejected Jungkook's proposal.

It's quiet, almost no one there except for the few shop owners around the area. Namjoon can't stop crying. He doesn't even bother wiping his tears anymore. What's the use anyway when new one's are gonna form in no time?

"W-Why does this always h-happen to me!", he sobs, laying his head on the railing of the bridge. It's dark. Too dark to even make out the trees nearby. The only light Namjoon can see is from the nearby fast food shop and from the moon shining bright in the sky.

Namjoon can make out the steady stream of water beneath the bridge, shining bright. He tries to focus on the beauty of it but it's just impossible. He just can't. All he can think about is Jungkook and the hurt, betrayed look on his face when he had looked at Namjoon, disgusted to even breathe the same air as him.

"I j-just wanted to protect h-him", he cries, hiccuping with each sob. It's difficult to keep quiet but he tries not to make too much sound. It's already pretty risky that he's out here in the middle of the night. He can't risk anyone finding him here, much less take pictures of him just to sell them to some stupid gossip magazine.

Namjoon is resting his cheek on the railing, just hiccuping and regretting all of his life decisions- and occassionally letting out pitiful whimpers- when his phone starts ringing in his pocket. He didn't even realise he'd brought it with him.

Thinking it's just Sejin, he picks up without checking the Caller ID, ready to assure his surely worried manager. He doesn't want him to be stressed. Especially not because of him.

"Hello, hyung, I-"

"Uh oh, wrong number?"

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