"He says,we are just friends "

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As a gay,beautiful creature of god with a perfect and feminine body and a shape of sex goddess Taehyung loves himself very much...Not like he is selfish or doesn't care about anyone....
No he is so much caring towards other..he is so much friendly with others.. He even cares about a small fly cuz he thinks everyone has right to live their life...
Most importantly he is so much cute...he is so much precious ..... You can tell that he is also a soft hearted person who can also cry when he sees someone crying.....

Uploading photos in social media sides is like his favourite hobby... He loves to upload his own pics more that uploading other pics...sometime with in short dresses or sometime with female dresses..

But the only problem is his best friend... Jeon Jungkook.. As a best friend he cares about Taehyung very much.... But sometimes his caringness limits the cross..
Sometimes he acts like he is Taehyung's boyfriend... Over protectiveness overflows sometime (are you getting what i'm saying)

But Taehyung doesn't like it.. He lobes when Jungkook acts as his boyfriend, cares like his own small baby,protects him like his life..but the problem is whenever someone asks him about his relationship with Taehyung he always says "we are just friends"..
And this breaks Taehyung's heart...he wants Jungkook more than a friend..

Once they both were at a cafeteria with their friends enjoying their ice creams.. As usually Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting side by side...As a messy eater whenever Taehyung ate messily ..Jungkook simply wiped down the ice creams from the lips of Taehyung and licked them like a boyfriend does with is partner...
The other friends only could awe at the sight cuz if they would say something they will get only one answer from Jungkook and that was " we are just friends "...

But due to a big mouth Jim in couldn't stand anymore so his pituitary gland automatically gave the order to his mouth and he said
" why don't you just kiss him..."
As he asked everyone started to say their statements..
Jin:"yeah,everyone can see that you love each other..they don't you just propose "
Suga:"I also ship you both" he said while enjoying his ice cream and pointing towards Taehyung and Jungkook with his right hand..
"Yes,me too"Namjoon and Jhope said in unison

Taehyung was blushing at the statements and smiling lightly.... But his heart broke when Jungkook said
" Guys ,can you all stop ....you know we don't love each other cuz we are friends "
Taehyung was so sooooooooooo muuuuccchhhhh sad now but he acted normally talked normally with others but only talked little less with Jungkook... Not like he wouldn't talk with Jungkook anymore ,he was just so much sad...he needed some While  to say himself that "they're just friends"

After some talks and funs everyone were ready to go his house....As usually Jungkook said Taehyung that he will drop him but Taehyung refused and went to his apartment himself...
           First thing Taehyung did after reaching at home was he threw himself at the couch and unconsciously tears flew down from his eyes... He was angry on Jungkook...
So for his mood lightening he opened his instagram and scrolled up some feed and he saw some gay pics with so much revealing clothes and sexual contents... So some ideas came inside his head for mood lightening......
After took a long peaceful bath Jungkook laid down on his bed and started to scroll his instagram for some news feeds... But the first one made him angry as he made fist while poking his tongue on right cheek in jealously....

And the photo was Taehyung's..... In the photo Taehyung was laying on his belly in a loose white shirt......on side of sleeve was down from his shoulder and anyone can see his perfect upper body through it... His shirt was also up even that could see his back and round fuckable ass and long ,slender legs without a single hair on it in a red fishnet panty and showing his side face... The caption was" 🥵🍑💦"
It was the first time Taehyung uploaded that type of pic...
the comments on that pic so much weird...some were saying"they want to fuck him"
Some were saying"they want to claim that ass"
Some were commenting with sexual emojis....

Jungkook greeted his teeth he inboxed Taehyung in angry ..
"Taehyung just delete the photo"
"I'm giving you warning, just delete it otherwise you'll know my real self"
"Why are not you answering my message when messages are delivering to you"
"If you will not delete I'll come to your house right now"
"Okay, wait for me😡"..... When he didn't get any reply he put some shirt and black jeans randomly and went to Taehyung's by his car...
When he reached he didn't even bother to knock ,he just entered the password cuz he knew that...and went inside..when he went inside he saw...Taehyung was laying on the same shirt and panty from the photo and listening something from laptop with headphone on...his phone was on the side table which was beaming with light when the notifications came...
Taehyung didn't even realised Jungkook was there....He flinched when someone grabbed his headphone...he got up
" what the fu---... Jun- Jungkook "
He got fear when he saw a dark aura ....a fuming Jungkook full of anger in his eyes....chest was going up and down in each breath...

"Why did you post that photo"he asked sternly..
Taehyung understood why Jungkook was there so he acted normally like nothing happened ..
" cuz that was my photo that's why"
"Delete now"
"Why"with that he went to kitchen for some water with his phone..
" give me your phone,I'll delete that"
"No, I'll not"....
" I said give me your fucking phone Taehyung "
Taehyung ignored him and drank his water... When he was about to turn back his feet were not on the ground anymore.. He was lifted by Jungkook on his shoulder... It was normal for Taehyung...

But he tensed up when Jungkook headed towards his bedroom....
"Wtf ,Jungkook let me go" he started to move
Jungkook gripped tightly and when he reached to the bedroom he threw Taehyung on the bed and hovered over him...he pinned Taehyung's hands over his head and directly looked into his eyes..
"Wh-why are you doing th-this" Taehyung asked in fear..
"Why did you upload that pic"
Taehyung couldn't see into Jungkook's eyes so he looked other side while closing his eyes..
"Look at me" Jungkook asked again sternly
When Taehyung looked at him he again asked
"Now answer me"
"I saw that in instagram"
"What you saw"
"Some gay stuff with sexual contents"
Through out the conversations Jungkook and Taehyung's faces were inches apart feeling each other's breathe.. And throughout that time Taehyung's voice was low and Jungkook's was high and stern...
"Do you know how the those fucking bitches are commenting on that"
Taehyung shook his head ..
"Do you know how I'm feeling like now..I'm jealous now" he gripped tightly while inhaling Taehyung's neck...Taehyung whimpered in pain but he gained his courage to ask...
"Why are you jealous Jungkook, normal friends don't get jealous over this type of things... You are not even my boy friend"

After these words Jungkook got over from Taehyung and sat down lowing  his head...
Taehyung also sat down and looked at Jungkook for answer

"Am I just a friend to you ,Taehyung" Jungkook asked now his voice was low and sad
"Are you not the one who always say that we are just friends"
"Bu-but .."he couldn't complete his word when Taehyung yelled
"But what Jungkook... Why can't you see that I'm fuckin in love with you...do you know how much it hurts when you say that we are friends and now you are acting like my boyfriend cuz I uploaded a photo...what do- ummmm...
His words cut when Jungkook attached his lips on Taehyung... At first Taehyung was shocked but the he kissed back...he wrapped him hands around Jungkook's neck when Jungkook pulled him on his lap....
Jungkook broke the kiss ,cupped his cheeks and said
" I love you Taehyung... I love you more than everything... I was afraid to break our friendship so I didn't ask you...but I fell in love the day I met you first... Baby I'm sorry for late and being dumb"
Taehyung smiled and kissed him again..
" l love you too Gukkie"

After sometime of making out and marking on Taehyung's neck and collar they slept....
Actually Taehyung slept Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung to sleep..
He silently pulled out Taehyung's phone and clicked a photo where he was kissing on his neck and fresh marks on Taehyung's neck were also visible clearly ...
He posted that in the instagram of Taehyung with the caption
"Not for every one but only for my daddy Gukkie💦💋🥵"

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