Chapter Two

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Sighing, she flicked the pen around bursting the bubble in the gum as she waited for a customer. Since she dropped out of college she'd gotten a job at the gas station in hopes that something interesting would happen but she knew full well that something interesting would not happen. It was Beacon Hills for gods sake.

Hearing the sound of the bell ringing on the door she straightened out moving to ring up the till, "Hi-" looking up her body froze as she saw who had walking in, "ay..." she finished her voice turning to a different tone. "Hello," she added on and he smirked as he took a step forward although his gaze was as horrible as it was in the forest the day before, "gas right?"

"Yeah, seven," he muttered and she nodded putting the details in.

"Sorry, about... yesterday... but inhalers are a little... expensive..." she trailed off and not giving him the chance to say anything she cleared her throat, "that's $42.89." Looking up she met his gaze and her lips pressed together as she tried to focus. There was a fire burning her entire body as she offered a smile. "You've got very intense eyes," she trailed off and he released a singular chuckle as he passed the money over.

"I've been told its a gift," he admitted, "I'm Derek by the way."

Pulling out the change she handed it over, "Hayley."

"I know." She raised her brow wanting to know how he knew and he opened his mouth to say something before his eyes searched her body - an action which she didn't notice - he then spotted the name tag attached to her shirt, "name tag." Looking down, a frown pulled on her face as she saw it.

"Oh, yeah."

"I'll see you around," he mused a strange twinkle in his eyes and the breath hitched in her throat as she nodded her head. The moment he'd left a grimace fell on her face and a new loss bubbled in her heart and she cursed at herself for the awkwardness. He was attractive and definitely someone she wouldn't mind hooking up with and she'd probably just made herself look like an idiot.

As she got home, she dropped her keys onto the side before heading up stairs hearing both Scott and her mothers voices. "Is this a party or a date?" Melissa asked and Hayley raised her brow as she rounded the corner into Scott's room to see what he was wearing.

"Maybe both," she teased.

"And her name is?" Melissa asked.


"Allison. Nice."

"Hey, wait," Hayley interrupted and she stepped forward grabbing onto the tie he'd put on so formally, "you definitely do not need this if you want to do anything tonight," she mused and Melissa cleared her throat, "I meant a very innocent kiss on the cheeks." She assured.

Melissa held out the keys to her car and handed them to Scott, who looked at her with a gratitude that Hayley remembered having before she managed to get her own car - it was a cheap rusty little thing but it did the job. "Thank you," he droned and after a moment their mom narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"We don't need to have a talk, do we?"

Scott groaned and rolled his eyes as Hayley smirked raising her brow to see what was going on, "Mom, I'm not having the safe sex talk with you." Melissa scoffed and made a disgusted face.

"Oh, my God. No! I meant about keeping the tank full. Give me those back!"

"Are you serious?!"

"You bet your ass I am serious. I'm not gonna end up on some reality television show with a pregnant sixteen-year-old. Come on!"

"Honestly, out of the two of us..." Hayley began as Melissa held her hands out to take the keys back, "it was more likely going to be me who was the teenage pregnancy."

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