Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Using Derek as a pillow, the sleeping Hayley shifted her weight to get more comfortable. He too had fallen asleep as he was lying sat up right on the bed a book lazily grasped in his hand. For the first time in a few days Talia junior had fallen asleep in her cot and whilst the pair had intended to spend some time doing their own thing they both ended up asleep. Everything was so peaceful and although none of them were really comfortable they were resting - something which Talia had prevented for a long while.

The alarm blared out through the loft, causing Derek to spring awake and he dropped the book to the floor leaping over the table beside him and slamming his hand down onto the button shutting it off. Hayley fell into the bed, waking up with a jolt although she was in no way mentally awake as she tried to work out what was happening. It was too late as Talia had already started crying and Hayley pushed herself up looking around confused with sleep still fogging her eyes. "What is it?" She asked, already pushing herself out of the bed to get to crying child.

Derek looked to the door to see Cora walking in, she would have had a sheepish smile on her face except for the fact that there was a large pack symbol spray painted onto the window. Noticing the look on her face, Derek turned to look at the window to see it. How had he not woken up for that? How had he not woken up to hear it.

"What does it mean?" Cora asked, just as Hayley walked back in trying to soothe Talia, but it really wasn't working.

"It means they're coming..." Derek muttered, and the human turned to look at the window her body freezing over slightly as she saw it. They'd both slept through that whilst their daughter was in the house. "Tonight."

"Seriously, the window... do they know how much that's gonna cost to get cleaned?" Hayley asked, she would have thrown her hand out to gesture to it had she not been carrying the very delicate little being. Derek turned to look at her and she already knew what it meant, "yeah okay, I'll go pack a bag," she muttered. She already knew she was going to have to crash at the Mccall house tonight.

Grabbing onto a stuffed toy cow which had a small rattle in it, she tossed it into the bag hoping that it would satisfy the child enough to make them stop crying. She'd packed most of the things, she was just doing the last check whilst Derek was saying his goodbye's to his daughter. Cora had left to go and get Lydia to stop seeing Aiden.

Walking back into the main room, her brows furrowed as she couldn't see either Derek or the baby. That was mildly concerning. Looking around for a second time, she finally caught sight of them sat at the top of the stairs. Heading towards it, she grabbed onto the banister walking up the few stairs before she stopped as she got in front of them.

"I'd give you the usual speech, but I'm sure you have it memorised by now," she mused, and a small smile quirked on his lips as he dragged his eyes away from his daughter to meet Hayley's. "You... you're going to be alright though, right?" She asked, and he sighed nodding.

"Of course," he lied, and she sighed herself before sitting on the step below him forcing him to nudge his feet together. Leaning against his arm, she kept watching the pair trying to paint the picture in her mind. "You know, I never thought I could love something so much," he admitted, "I didn't think I could love anything at all, again," he added on causing her brows to furrow.

"Then you have to be okay, because she's gonna need a dad to love herself," she reminded, and he shifted his head slightly so that he could see her.

"Are you thinking of a new speech?" He asked amused, and she smiled slightly.

"Just a little one."

"She's my little wolf," he mused, and Hayley raised a brow.

"Our." She corrected.

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