Chapter Eleven

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"You shouldn't be doing that," Derek called out as she walked down the stairs with a collection of blankets piled so high that she could barely see what was in front of her or behind her. They all varied in different thicknesses since she was on a personal mission to find one which was comfortable enough that she could actually sleep with it without sweating to her death. "If you fall you could damage the baby."

Sighing, she rolled her eyes still annoyed with him from the previous day, "wonderful to know that your concern of me falling does not extend to my own potential injury...but just the unborn baby," she droned as she got to the last stair. "And you're acting like we're in the last month and one fall can mean the baby's gonna jump start their exit," she scoffed as she dropped them down onto the table in front of it. "And lets not forget if you actually sorted out the ventilation then there wouldn't be a problem."

"You're still mad," he finalised and she plastered a fake smile onto her lips as she glared at him.

"What gave it away?"



"No?" He repeated, he didn't even know what she was saying no for. "No what?"

"Whatever you're going to say...whatever messed up excuse that's all to do with wolfy superiority... no." She clarified and he opened his mouth to speak when the door shot open a frantic voice shouting out.

"Derek? Derek!" The same teen from the day before called out as he ran down the stairs, and Hayley looked over at Isaac questioningly. He'd obviously been fine from the bite and it appeared to have healed well, so she too was curious as to why he had come.

"What's wrong?"

Isaac took a questioning glance at Hayley, but Derek only nodded in reassurance, "my dad...I think he's dead..."

"What did you do?"

"That's the thing... it wasn't me."

"What?" Hayley asked looking between the pair, "do you mean it was another human or another werewolf?" Isaac only shook his head not knowing what to say on the subject. Derek grabbed onto his coat pulling it onto his shoulders before walking towards the door.

"You." He added on pointing over to Hayley, "stay."

Rolling her eyes, she whirled around grabbing onto the blankets. "Oh yes Hayley, you stay because you somehow turned into a bloody dog in the past week," she mocked to herself knowing full well that he'd be able to hear her for another few minutes of him leaving.

The next day, she was sat on the sofa with her legs crossed on the seat to prevent her feet from touching the cold floor and her laptop sat on her knees. She'd been doing research, but she was finding that all she was doing was scaring herself over everything which was supposed to be happening in the next seven or eight months. Derek was across the room building or fixing something - she hadn't paid enough attention to know.

"I hate you."

"What?" He asked, turning to look at her. No words had been shared in the past hour and so it came as a surprise to him.

She whirled around her laptop so that the screen was facing him although he probably wouldn't be able to see it regardless. "My feet are going to grow because of this pregnancy and I don't want my feet to grow. That is your fault." She growled and he couldn't help but look at her as if she was insane.

"How is that my fault?!"

"You did this to me!"

"Oh my god-" his phone echoed throughout the room cutting off the argument to come as he moved to check it. "Fuck."

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