Chapter Forty-Six

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"He covered you in gasoline?" Derek asked as he looked over Jordan who was stood in the loft with them. Lydia and Scott were stood a little distance back, Hayley was on the sofa with Talia whilst Derek was standing in front of Jordan the pair dramatically being in front of the room.

Parrish nodded. The previous night someone had poured gasoline on him, set him on fire and then he walked out of it unscathed hence why they were stood there now.

"It's the hair and nails, isn't it? The parts of the body that are essentially dead," Lydia said.

"Well, they should be gone."

"Well..." Hayley began, "I feel like there's a bigger picture you two are missing here," she pointed out and Parrish nodded in agreement.

"I was set on fire! All of me should be gone," he reminded and Scott shook his head.

"Not if you're like us..." she wasn't going to comment on it but due to the fact that Derek's whole family had died by fire she was sure that if he was in a car, covered in gasoline, then he should have been gone.

"Like you?" Parrish asked.

"I don't think he's like us..." Derek admitted, just as Talia began to release her own squeals of laughter and she threw her hands up and down as if beating on an invisible drum.

"Then what is he?"

"Sorry, but I have no idea."

"But you knew about Jackson and Kira..."

"This is a little out of my experience. There might be something in the bestiary-- did you try Argent?" Derek asked turning to look at Scott and pulling his focus away from Parrish.

"I don't know where he is-"

"Okay, hold on," Parrish cut in and everyone looked back to him, "what's a bestiary? Actually, that's not even my first question. Just... Just tell me one thing. Are all of you like Lydia?" He asked and when no-one could respond he continued, "are you all psychic?" The room fell completely silent. They hadn't heard of someone being psychic before - that was something they probably should have thought about but they hadn't.

"Psychic?" Derek asked confused.

"Yeah, not exactly..."

"Okay...then what are you?"

Instead of responding Scott lit up his eyes and Parrish was left completely confused.

After a long and yet surprisingly brief conversation about how everyone in the room except for Hayley was some form of supernatural creature, they were back to where they had started with his confusion. He'd been most shocked to hear about the baby being a potential murderous creature but that was something for another day.

"What's a kanima?" Parrish asked.

"...We'll get back to that. Just know that everyone like us-- everyone with some kind of supernatural ability-- is on the Deadpool."

"Even the baby?"

"Even the baby," Hayley confirmed tiredly. She hated the talk about the supernatural world.

"But I don't even know what I am."

"I'm pretty sure they don't care," Derek admitted and Parrish frowned as he looked around at everyone. He couldn't stop trying to pick up any physical signs of what they were and not just the knowledge he now had.

"How many professional assassins are we talking about?"

"We're starting to lose count..."

"But is it still just professionals?" Scott asked.

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