Anakin x youngling! Reader Pt 1

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You don't remember how it started. One second you were playing with the force in the training rooms, squinting in concentration trying to levitate the rock in front of you and the next second you were clutching your head in pain. The temple rumbled as stone from the ceilings started to crumble down and you glanced up in horror. Without second thought you gripped your newly acquired lightsaber and ran from the training rooms into the hall.

In the distance you could hear the hum of lightsabers, sounds from blasters and screaming.  Gripping your weapon tighter you quickly but quietly hurried towards the main hall, hoping to find a jedi and when you reached the main part of the temple you gasped. Different colored lightsabers moving, trying to deflect the onslaught of blaster bolts from.. the 501st? That was Anakin's division. Jedi, the masters and apprentices alike were being shot down from clones. Where one clone went down from a blade, three more came to replace him. Why? What are they doing in the temple? You wondered in a panic. The clones were your allies and you even had friends like Captain Rex in their ranks.

A bolt flew past your face and you jumped back in alarm. One of the clones was running towards you pointing a blaster and you could hear "good soldiers follow orders" being mumbled from his lips. You were frozen in fear as the blaster went off and you watched as it barely missed your heart. A jedi had pulled you out of the way with the force. You crashed into the ground and your relief at being saved flew out the window as the master was shot down by two troopers with three more close behind. You yelped and quickly scrambled to your feet, your hand flew in front of your face as the shot came towards your body. Hearing a thud you blinked and noticed the bolts were stopped in mid air while one trooper had died from one. The remaining trooper's attention was turned from you by another jedi who screamed at you to run and you quickly escaped down one of the residential hallways.

You were breathing hard and your head was pounding as you quickly tried to find a good place to lay low. You didn't know what to feel, what to think. Your friends and family were dying right before your eyes. Sniffling, you rounded the corner and heard the slash of a lightsaber and the screams of a jedi further down the hallway. You knew that the person with the lightsaber would be headed your way in a moment and your eyes wandered to the door you were in front of. Noticing it was jedi knight Anakin Skywalker's quarters you breathed out a sigh of relief. He was your friend, almost like a father and you also knew his room was messy enough to give you a chance at hiding.

Entering his room code, you rushed through the door and slashed the panel with your lightsaber. You glanced around the room in a panic until your eyes landed on an extra door. Slipping into  his closet, you settled in the corner and pulled your knees to your chest. The silence was deafening and you could barely breathe as the sound of armoured footsteps and a pair of lighter one's stopped outside of the door. You closed your eyes and tried to find a calming memory to help calm your stuttering heart as the sound of a lightsaber activated.

"Y/n! Get back here youngling!"

You giggled as you quickly escaped your afternoon lessons  and ran towards the gardens hoping to escape your teacher for the day. Sprinting down the halls you ignored the crowds of walking jedi and rushed into the daylight at one of the gardens. Just as you entered the garden, you slammed into a person and fell on your back.

"Woah there little one! Slow down" a male grunted. Your hand was grasped in another as they pulled you back to your feet. Blinking up your hand covered your eyes as you made out his features. Blonde hair, blue eyes, cybernetic hand, a wicked grin.. "your Anakin Skywalker!" you gasped, hands flying to your mouth. Chuckling he nodded and opened his mouth to say something when your teacher ran in looking out of breath. You gulped and tried to hide behind Anakin as the exasperated man stalked towards you.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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