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Shellington paced back and fourth, conflicted in his overwhelming thoughts. 'D-Do I tell him? What if he hates me? What if I get kicked out?' His mind was racing. He eventually just sat down on a pillow and buried his face in his knees, taking shaky breaths.

Tunip glanced at the other Vegimals, a look of concern in his eyes. Their 'dad', as they usually referred to him was crying. Grouber nodded at him, sitting down to the poor otter and hugging his side gently. He looked down at the ground before waddling out and jumping into an octo shoot and sliding through the tubes before hopping out into the Captain's bedroom. With it being the middle of the night, all of the lights were switched off. The Vegimal waddled over to the sleeping Polar bear and tugged on his pajama sleeve.

The Captain yawned, opening his eyes. "Tunip..? What is's the middle of the night shouldn't you be asleep?" The small hybrid huffed and pulled on his sleeve harder, pointing to the hatch. Figuring Tunip wanted him to follow him, he sighed. Standing up, he put on his slippers and hopped down through the hatch. That is when he saw the lights on in the laboratory and sighed. "Damnit Shellington.." He walked over to the only lit room in the hallway and stepped in, blinking in surprise to see the otter curled up on the floor..crying?

He instantly moved forward, kneeling down beside his scientist. "Shellington, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" The otter lifted his head slightly, looking at him. "N..No. I'm not hurt. Just..stressed." His Captain frowned, "About what? If you are comfortable telling me, that is."

Shellington took a deep breath. "Promise you won't be mad at me?" The other nodded. "Well..I'm not straight..I'm gay Captain. I-I've known for a while now. I don't like anyone on the ship but. I know I don't like girls."

The polar bear let a quiet laugh escape. "Why would I be mad? I'll always accept you. Who cares if you are gay? It doesn't change who you are. I'll order you a pride flag tomorrow and you can tell the others when you are comfortable." For a moment, his crewmate stared before quite literally tackling him in a hug, thanking him over and over again. A smile spread across his face. 'Aww.' He knew that meant he was extremely grateful. The otter didn't really hug that aggressively.

"T-Thanks dad."

Here, take some wholesome stuff. Comes from a head-canon. No I do not ship him with anyone. I don't ship any Octonauts together. But I do have sexuality head-canons. Also the Captain is dad. You cannot change my mind.

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