Burn recovery

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This is based off the Ring of Fire movie. But in this oneshot, Tweak and Kwazii were burned a bit by the fire in the octo-repair station.


Captain hopped out of the Z-1 Gup, sighing. "Well..that was quite an adventure. Well done everyone!" He congratulated. The entire crew had been separated through the whole ordeal of the volcanic eruptions. "Now that it's over with..is anyone injured?" He looked over the crew.

Tweak blinked for a moment and looked at Kwazii, who was looking back at her. She sighed, turning towards Captain. "Me and Kwaz have a couple of burns. A part of the repair station had caught on fire while we were trapped in there."

Peso's eyes widened slightly, quickly waddling over and looking over them. "Alright, come on you two. To the sick bay with me please." He quickly hopped up the ladder.

The two followed after him, climbing up to the second level of the ship and stepping into the medical room.

Peso hopped onto the counter, digging around in the cabinet. "Sit down on the beds, I'll be there in a moment." He ordered. After a few moments, he pulled out a small jar of cream, along with some bandages and ointment. "There we go, found it." He clambered down, going over to Kwazii. "Where are you burned Kwazii?"

The pirate pointed to his shoulder, where the fur was burned off and the skin was blistered and red. "Oh flappity flippers..how did I not notice that earlier.." He murmured. "Ok, this will sting a bit, so prepare yourself." He dipped his flipper into the jar of cream, applying it to the burned skin. "It's burn cream. It'll soak up the heat and help with all the blisters."

The lieutenant flinched slightly, hissing through his teeth. "Yeowch..that does hurt." He huffed. The small medic smiled comfortingly at him. "I know, I'm sorry. I'm gonna put you off duty for awhile until it heals. Now, I'm gonna wrap that up in bandages. But first." He unrolled a small area of the roll, and squirted some of the ointment onto it. "I'll put some disinfecting ointment on it, to prevent it from getting irritated." He quickly wrapped the bandages around his shoulder.

Kwazii groaned. "Matey, do I really have to go off duty! It's just my shoulder." Peso glared at him. "No buts, you're off duty." Tweak snickered, grinning at him. Peso looked at her, "Oh, don't think your allowed to work either young lady. Now where are your burns."

Tweak groaned in annoyance, turning herself around. Peso's eyes widened. "Oh my goodness..Tweak your back.." The rabbit laughed sadly. "I know. It burns. A lot." She sighed.

Peso sighed worriedly, "Goodness me.." Her entire back was burned harshly, even more blistered then Kwazii. "How did this happen?" Tweak turned her head around to look at him as he put the burn cream on. "Well, I blocked Kwazii from a burning oil can with myself. It hit me while on fire right on my back."

Peso frowned, "..Are you crying?" Tweak wiped her eyes. "Only a little..it just hurts pretty badly.." Kwazii whimpered worriedly, climbing down to give Tweak a gentle hug, making sure not to touch her back as Peso wrapped bandages around her torso and back. "There. Both of you, come back to the sick bay every few days for a check up and so that I can replace the cream and bandages, ok?" He went over to the radio and turned it on, "Captain, Tweak and Kwazii are off-duty for a little while. If you catch them working, make sure they stop. They need rest."

"Understood Peso, thank you."

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