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Just Dashi and Tweak hanging out and being idiots together for fun.

The Captain stretched himself out, sipping some coffee from a mug. He was a bit confused though. By this time, Dashi would usually be up here. "Hm..better go check it out." He placed his cup down on the table and slid down the ladder to the lower area of the ship, heading towards the shoot that lead to the arm holding Peso and Dashi's bedrooms. He hopped through, landing in the dog's bright room. "..Why isn't she in bed? Dashi! Where are you?" The polar bear sighed. "She's probably just with Tweak in the launch bay. I'll go check up on her." He hopped back into the hatch and went through another tube and looked around the launchbay. "Tweak isn't here either.." The Captain mumbled to himself. Usually he disliked sounding the octo alert just to make sure his crew was accounted for, especially this early in the morning. But it was necessary. He hit the button, "Octonauts, to the launchbay."

The loud siren jolted Kwazii up from his sleep. He hopped into his boots and jumped down the hatch, running down to the octopod where Shellington and Peso were waiting. "What's the problem Captain?" The pirate asked hurriedly.

The Captain waited a few more moments before frowning. "I can't find Tweak or Dashi. Neither of them are in their rooms. Not in the HQ, not in here.." Peso gulped worriedly. "So their missing?"

Just then, the screen behind them flickered on. "Cap? What's the issue?" The familiar southern voice of the rabbit answered. The polar bear sighed in relief. "There you are! Where are you? Is Dashi with you?"

The engineer smiled. "Yup. She's here. We're just in the Gup-Launching bay Cap. Wer-." The rabbit let out a squeak as a can of purple paint fell on her. "Dashi!" She huffed.

The dogs laughter could be heard through the call. "Ha! Got you!" Tweak smirked. "I'll be back later. See ya cap!" She hung up, approaching her friend. "Hey Dashiiii. Want a hug?"

Dashi yelped and stumbled back before spinning around and racing down the hallway. "NO- DON'T YOU DARE TWEAK!"

Tweak chuckled, "I'm faster than you are!" She hopped up on the Gups and sprinted after her while hopping across her vehicles she built with her own paws until she was running next to Dashi and jumped on her, snickering. "Caught you."

Dashi shook her head, her fur now stained purple in some areas. "Oh you little brat-." She grabbed a bottle of acrylic paint and squirted the bottle at her, sending sky blue liquid at her friend.

Tweak squealed, ducking down and grabbing one in her ear before dropping it down to her hand and opening the lid. She kicked it at her friend, splattering yellow paint. That one hit its target directly in the chest. The engineer snorted in amusement. "How'd this get from doing a paint job for the Gup-G to throwing paint at each other."

Dashi smirked, shaking her head to get some of the paint out of her face. "When I dumped a paint bucket on you." She was standing on the stains of previous paint wars that they had together.

"Alright, enough fun we have work to do." The rabbit laughed, going back to the unfinished Gup. She grabbed her roller again and rolled it on the platter filled with burnt orange paint. She glanced at her friend. "Can I have a lift?" The Gup-G was the tallest Gup, so she couldn't jump up on top on her own. Even if she had strong legs.

Dashi nodded, cupping her hands and letting Tweak step one foot on one before she launched her up. "You good?"

Tweak peeked out from the top and nodded. "Mhm!" She already had a paint tray down here and got to work moving it back and fourth to coat the metal orange.

Back on the octopod, the family was just starting to arrive in the gups driven by the Vegimals. They did this once a month, inviting the family over to talk to each other.

Koshi kicked her legs, climbing out of the Gup-E, Calico Jack behind her. "Sis?" She blinked. All of the other crew members were here. Usually they were here waiting for them.

Ranger Marsh hopped out of the Gup, just as confused as Koshi. "Captain. Where's my kid?"

The polar bear smiled slightly. "Don't worry. They aren't missing. Thought they were but we did find them."

Koshi ran up to him. "So..where are they?" The Captain pat her head. "Follow me." He hopped into the water, swimming out the octohatch.

Kwazii tossed the two of them helmets and air tanks first. Quickly strapping them on, they followed the bear out and down into a green hole in the ground. They entered a hallway, filled with at least 20 gups. Some sitting in tanks of water. "This is the vehicle storage area. Every Gup Tweak built is in here."

Ranger Marsh looked around, finally spotting his kid on top of an unfinished Gup. "What's all over her?" He questioned. "Paint." The Captain chuckled. "Dashi and Tweak tend to fool around in here. And I think she's about to start up again." Koshi blinked in confusion, watching."

Tweak leaned over, holding two different paint cans and tipping them over, right on top of Dashi. The dog screeched in surprise, now covered in green and red. "Wh- TWEAK!" The rabbit above her burst out laughing.

Dashi climbed inside the Gup and came out on the top, tackling her friend. "Damn you!" The rabbit was too busy laughing her ass off to answer her. "Brat.." She mumbled, dumping the orange tray on top of her in revenge.

And so they fell off, covering each other in the paint colors covering them as well.

The Captain snorted. "Idiots.." He said affectionately. Ranger Marsh was smirking. "Get her sweetie!" He yelled. Koshi huffed at him and threw paint at him. "Noooo!" She whined.

Soon, everyone was coated in paint, all laughing and out of breath.

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