Burn recovery

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Part 3 to the last few oneshots since I don't know how to control myself and I'm having more ideas


Captain stared at the valley of volcanos with a deep breath, images of the experience flashing through his mind like lightning. 'Calm down Barnacles..there couldn't be two eruptions this close together..right?' Bianca stepped up beside her brother. "Barnacles? You seem stressed..is something wrong bro?" He shook himself into focus. "N..No. It's nothing to worry about, I'm just being paranoid. My apologies."

Bianca frowned, a worried expression on her face. "If you say so.." Her two Cubs clambered up him, sitting on his shoulders. "Woahhh..the mountains are so bigggg!" Captain smiled a bit. "Those arent mountains Cubs. They are volcanoes. They exploded last week." Bianca was starting to put the pieces together. Peso talking about bandages on Tweak and Kwazii, Captain being paranoid, volcanos. "You were here during that explosion. Weren't you?"

The bear tensed slightly before sighing. "Yes..Kwazii and Tweak suffered severe burns." Bianca whined softly, hugging him gently. "I'm sorry. But I'm sure Peso is taking good care of them." Captain chuckled quietly. "He is.."

Marsh peeked over, "Excuse me? Did I hear something about my kid being hurt?" Captain blinked for a moment. "Yes, she was. Her and Kwazii have burns due to a fire in the octo-repair station."

That was when a volcano up ahead exploded, shaking the ship with the waves, molten lava flying into the air. The Captain's eyes widened, "It's erupting again?" He hissed, maneuvering the ship out of the way of boulders that were launched. "Everyone, hang on. I'll try my best to get us out of here."

Inkling's voice cut in through the intercom system. "Captain, you need to go around. It's too dangerous to go through. Turn south east, you'll be able to go on a route away from the volcanoes."

"Thanks Inkling, understood." He spun the wheel around, taking the ship away from danger. A massive boulder went flying, hitting the top of the Gup and denting it down. Some of the younger family shrieked and ducked under objects or behind their parents.

Captain growled audibly, pressing on the turbo button and getting out of the area before anymore damage could be done.

I know it's short, but I've pretty much lost all motivation to continue these oneshots right now. I'd rather be doing different ones. Maybe one day I'll do a part 4, but not currently.

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