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Since I feel a bit bad for not updating just yet, since I'm having trouble with writing part 3.

Peso enjoys writing in his free time, and has written his own medical books and had them published.

Tweak and Kwazii are very close, having a sibling like friendship.

Captain built the octo-repair station as a gift for Tweak.

The families visit the octopod once a month, by means of Captain driving a Gup around the world to pick them up and bringing them to the octopod for a reunion.

All of them have expanded lung capacities compared to the rest of their species from living underwater.

Shellington wrote a book on translating vegimals, and their culture/species in general.

Shellington is basically the Vegimals dad. They spend most of their time with him. Well, most of them.

Codish follows Tweak around a lot, as she is his role model. He helps her with engineering and even adopted her southern accent after spending so much time around her. She finds it adorable.

Dashi enjoys painting, and is responsible for the paint jobs on the Gups.

Kwazii's room is messy 24/7.

Tweak and Kwazii sometimes skydive from the Gup-H for the hell of it. They are also the main pranksters of the crew.

Tweak, Shellington and Captain stay up the latest and get up the earliest every day. They are workaholics.

Shellington sometimes gets himself sick, because he falls asleep face down in a Petri dish.

Dashi adores strawberries.

Kwazii has a liking to carrots, thanks to Tweak.

I'll post some more later.

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