Tea Party

617 15 35

*Perfume has added Huntara to this group chat*

*Toga has changed Huntara's name to 🌵*

Perfume: Hello everybody! I will be having a tea party at my castle if you guys would like to join!

🌵: Sure

Hair Extensions: Do you have tiny foods and cups?

Perfume: I could have that arranged

Hair Extensions: Yay!

✨: I'll come!

💘: Me too!

🗽: Sure

😼: Why not

Hugger: Sure! Also side note, do you have any cups I could carry?

Perfume: Yes! I had some made especially for you!

Hugger: Oh that's so sweet! Thank You!


Nets: Me and Spinny will come

Perfume: Perfect!

Lizard: Me, Lonnie, and Kyle will come

☃️: I'll come!

🦄: Me too!

Perfume: Yay!

Sea-Ra: will there be coffee?

Perfume: No. It's a tea party. We will have brownies though!

Sea-Ra: Okay

Burned Ship: I'll join along with my dear Mermista!

Perfume: Great!

Issues: I'll come

😉: Me too brothers and sisters and non-binary siblings!

Perfume: Great!

Toga: Will we be able to gossip at the tea party!

Perfume: Gossip? Why would we gossip?

Toga: Because it's fun!

Perfume:No! We need positive energy!

Toga: It doesn't have to be bad. We could just talk about stuff we saw other people do.

Perfume: No.

Toga: Fine. I guess I'll just have to show everyone how hot the tea really is. At your party of course.

Perfume: Yes, the tea will be hot. I personally prefer it over ice tea. But I'll be getting the tea so you don't have to worry about it.

Toga: Not what I meant


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