Chapter One: The Magic has just begun

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They always got themselves into trouble, no matter what anyone did to stop them. A group of us stood outside the library watching two wyverns getting yelled at by one of the librarians. My guess is that they tried scaling the 17 kilometer tall library again, but who really knows with these two? Sletch and Fiorg are their names, and the townsfolk have made them synonymous with trouble. Sletch and Fiorg are probably the most mischievous beings anyone has ever met, yet they are the most lovable creatures in the world.

They took flight once the librarian had stepped inside. Her black and white robe got stuck on the door handle, and we stifled our laughter quicker than you could say "Holy gribnack". Sletch and Fiorg were flying low, just barely skimming the shimmering water that engulfed our planet. The tip of their wings traced the surface leaving behind a sight to behold. As far as we know, lindwurms are the only inhabitants of this vast ocean, other than mollusks of course. The fish however, swim in the sky with the rest of our winged friends. If you're lucky enough, you'll see an occasional pod of whales travel around the city. The fish are abundant, and are only hunted by the dragons, wyverns, drakes, wyrms, amphitheres and lindwurms.

'Tis a peaceful life. Living in trees that are 10's of kilometers tall, intertwined with bridges and string gardens. The string gardens, although abundant, are rather narrow, hence their name. They run along the bridges and their harvest is free for the taking. The cats often play among these plants, and can even be found taking a nap in them. These aren't the ordinary cats that you're thinking of though; these cats are twice the size of a normal domesticated cat, with the horns of a ram and the wings of a hippogriff, all proportionate to their size of course.

The creatures of our world are what the rest of the universe would call "mutants" or "monsters" but really, they're neither. They're depicted as  creatures of the dark in almost every corner of the universe, except here, we know their true nature. If they were on Earth, soft and fluffy would be their aesthetic.

A flock of minokawa and lightning birds zipped past us, playing a game that nobody could really understand, but enjoyed watching it nonetheless. They spiraled up and dived back down, creating a beautiful dance of symmetry as they glided along. The minokawas and lightening birds fell into a single file line and circled up the library, disappearing into the green-covered branches. The townsfolk carried on with their business as they disappeared out of sight. Around here, it was not uncommon to be late because the dazzling dances of the minokawas and lightning birds had caught your eye.

I start across an old bridge leading towards the market. The lush plants along the bridge were beginning to grow a little too much. This side of the city had come close to abandonment. The "land" that we had found to live on turned out to be a dragon that had been deep in slumber for thousands of years. Oh well, not much we could do about that. 

The bridge creaked under my weight, but remained steady. The plants drooped over the railing and continued growing downward. I carried on my way to the market. I had forgotten what I needed to buy at this point, but I figure I will know when I am there.

I heard a ruffle in the leaves nearby, and then a figure caught my eye. What was seemingly a plant had unfolded to reveal that it is in fact, a baby dragon. They stared up at me with beady black eyes that shined in the sunlight. They let out a tiny growl as they waddled towards me.

"Hello there little fellow." I say while crouching down to pet their head. 'Twas a rather adorable creature; one certainly could not resist taking care of such magnificence.

"I'm going to call you Strompi." I say with a wide smile painted across my face. Strompi jumped up and down with joy. I'd take a guess that they're not able to fly just yet. I carry on walking towards the market, making sure that Strompi stays close by. They waddled from side to side looking rather giddy; they still had that childlike innocence that people around here love so much.

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