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The computer screen flickered to life, Dr. Ranz Flitzer, one of Earth's last scientists, opened the recording app for his video "journals" - as he refered to them. The recording software buffered for a second before starting today's recording.

"On a planet, not too far from earth, lived a civilization not too different from the rest of the universe. The oddly shaped planet - similar to that of a donought - has its very own star. The star, however, is the smallest star in the entirety of the known universe. It fits in the center of this planet, only illuminting the inner edges of it, leaving the outer edge in sudden darkness.

This planet is known as Doneos. It is the very last hope for the human race to survive, earthling can only hope that the inhabitants are friendly, for their sake. The characteristics of the Doneosians are unknown, and ontact has only been made with them once before, but being held prisoner to another planet is better than being held prisoner to your own.

This is Dr. Ranz Flitzer, signing out for possibly the last time."

The video feed cut of, and Dr. Flitzer closed the screen. It had only been 3 hours since the rockets were launched, and already, he sat staring down at Earth, watching as the humans destroyed everything, engulfing the planet in flames. 

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