Chapter Two: The Cats Snuck Inside, I swear

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The dim sunlight shone through my window as the sun moved around the east, indicating yet another, hopefully, productive day. The crisp morning air flooded the house, as I hadn't bothered to shut the windows. Not that it mattered; this is probably the most unlikely place in the universe to get robbed of your belongings.

The flowers on my dining room table have started to wither away, the petals traced intricate dances as they glided down to the table top. The leaves look shriveled and dry, and the petals had started to fade. The vase shone as the sunlight streamed through it.

Something furry curled up on one of the chairs under the table. I see a tail covered in fur swaying from side to side, and soon after I hear a cheerful and content purr coming from the furry, winged beast. Its wings extended outward revealing its ram-like horns and it sharp canines. I conclude that one of the cats had snuck in through an open window and fell asleep on the chair last night.

I get up and step into the kitchen. Half the fruit that once lay on the counter had now vanished. "Strompi are you awake?" I say while looking around for any signs of them. After a few minutes of waiting with no avail, I walk into my bedroom and to my surprise, there are 3 more cats stretched out across my bed and Strompi is sitting on the carpet eating the missing fruit.

A look of disbelief washes over my face. "Strompi, did you let all these cats in here?" I say staring into their glossy rounds eyes. Their imploring eyes gazed back up at me, and their paws held an orange close to their chest.

"Don't you dare give me the that pouty face." I say kneeling down next to them. Strompi emphasized their posture but crouching low and craning their neck to look up at me. "Oh fine!" I give in, extending my arms to them. They happily obliged to curling up on my lap.

There's a knock on the door. At first it was soft, but then a second knock came soon after. If I'm being honest with you, it sounded more like a thud. Strompi dashes into the kitchen and I get up and walk to the front entrance. My hair is still kind of messy, but who cares. I open the door just a crack to peer through, but the door is shoved open rather quickly.

"SSKYYYYYYEEEE!!" The figure that was in the doorway just seconds ago was now tackling me to the ground. It was my best friend, Marine. We've known each other since childhood - about 2000 years ago.

Her curly red hair flowed down onto my face as she proceeded to lay all her weight on top of me. She was now laying down on top of me. Her deadweight was a lot more than I was used to, but what can you do when your friend group is chaotic?

"Skye! I've missed you!! Its been so long since we've last seen each other!" She says with a hint of cheerfulness as well as silliness.

"Yes indeed! 'Tis been a long while from our last meeting." I say with a hint of regret. It has been a while since I've spoken to Marine at all.

"Oh my gosh, is that a cat!" She says excitedly, getting up from on top of me and running over to the chair where the cat slumbered. My lungs felt instant relief as I stood up to close the door.

"Apparently. Strompi over here decided last night that it would be a great idea to let four cats stay the night. Strompi is a baby dragon that I found on my way to the market yesterday, by the way." The loud purrs of the cat filled the room as Marine stroked its soft fur.

"You absolutely have to keep them! You can't just leave them out in the cold. That'd be cruel." She picks up the cat in her hands and slings them over her shoulder. "Just look at its scaly horns, these marvelous wings! And you got four of them in your apartment! Why not just keep them? They only ever eat berries so letting them out into the string gardens wont be a bother. And besides, just look at them!!!" She exclaimed while pouting at me.

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