Chapter 4 S3: Lost Cause

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After sitting on the sofa for a bit now, Vigil decided to head downstairs where there equipment was hiding. As he opened the door and switched on the lights, he would see his uniform's armor plates and other random items.

Vigil: Thinks "Weird, did Grace put my other stuff in the closet upstairs?"

Vigil rummaged through the bins and found random items like acog scopes with name tags on them, Blackbeard's old shields, Ela's impact grenades, and other items.

Vigil: Whispers to himself "Maybe I should return them these items when we locate them."

Putting the bin away and marked it to be transported later, Vigil went back upstairs and went to his room.

Vigil: "Grace, got anything?"

Dokkaebi: "Yes actually, but so far only Thermite, Pulse, and Castle. I may have Frost and Buck's location but not guaranteed. 

Vigil: "Well, that will do. Call in Ash."

Dokkaebi: "Mhm." Calls Ash

As Dokkaebi gave Ash information about the possible locations of Thermite, Pulse, Castle, Frost, and Buck, Ash would request to have a short meeting inside Vigil and Dokkaebi's cabin.

Hours later...

Ash: "Okay, so its just the three of us, so I can give you guys a car ride to the locations. It will be a road trip. Also, I think we should find Thermite first, as his specialties are quite dependable for us."

Vigil: "Makes sense. How about my kid?"

Ash: "That's all on you. Keep her safe. I don't mind her coming as long as she doesn't become a casualty in the field."

Oliva: "I can hold myself together"

Ash: "That's what I would like to hear." She'd smile

Dokkaebi: "Okay, so according to my coordinates, he is in Texas, his home town."

Ash: "Let me note this down. Tell me where are the others."

Dokkaebi: "Strangely, Pulse and Castle are both in Washington State."

Ash: "Don't worry, all I need to know is their whereabouts."

Vigil: "So, when should we get going?"

Ash: "We will head out as soon as you guys get your equipment together. I will give you another hour."

Ash would walk out of the cabin and sit on the steps of the porch outside while she waited. Meanwhile, Dokkaebi would turn to Olivia and would look at her in the eyes.

Dokkaebi: "Do you still know how to operate the SMG-12?"

Olivia: "If it's set on single shot."

Dokkaebi: "Of course it is. Let me give it to you. Don't forget it has the safety on."

Vigil would be packing his ammunition and would sling his K1A over his shoulder. As he took bags out on the porch, he then turned to Ash.

Vigil: "Mind putting these in the truck?" He would walk back inside the cabin

Ash: "Sure thing." She would pick up the bags and bring them towards the truck

Rolling down the reinforced blinds and doorways, Vigil would lock them as he went through the house.

Vigil: "Alright, all possible entrances are reinforced. Let's bring the last of the belongings through the front door and I will close it."

Olivia and Dokkaebi would both walk out of the cabin with boxes as Vigil slowly closed the door, locking it and putting it under the mat.

Vigil: "Classic." He chuckled to himself

Being the last person to board the truck, Vigil would sit in the front of the truck and would then turn to Ash.

Vigil: "How long do you think will it take to get there?"

Ash: "Around twenty-four hours of constant driving. So, try to get comfortable. Also, what happened to your uniform Chul?"

Vigil: He looked down at his uniform "It got worn down. Anyways, I left some of the uniform behind since I'm technically honorably discharged from the 707 SMB."

Ash: "Was just wondering. Anyways, I will let you know when it's your turn to drive. We can split it for each of us to do eight hours or just you and me for twelve hours."

Vigil: He would look at the rear view mirror to glance at Dokkaebi  "I think we both will do twelve hours."

Ash: "As you wish."

Ash would then drive off and would speed across the forest trail.

About 24 hours later...

As Vigil parked in a public parking lot, he would open the door and jump out, stretching after a long drive.

Vigil: "Man, that was tiring."

Ash: "I think I kind of feel like we should rest somewhere and then find Jordon."

Vigil: "I think I will find him myself. Help Grace and Olivia to a hotel for now. Stay safe."

Ash: "Roger. Good luck. Here is your wife's tablet to track him."

As Ash helped Olivia get out of the truck, Dokkaebi followed behind and would follow behind. Vigil then went into the driver's side and drove out of the parking lot, driving towards the marker on the map. 

Driving through the now empty neighborhoods of Texas, Vigil would peer at the kids along the streets playing, giving him some memories. Nearing Thermite's home, he parked outside the driveway and would take his SMG-12 with him. Thermite's home was a large suburban one, and it looked well maintained. As he walked up to the door, he rang the doorbell. The door creaked open, and Vigil was pulled in.

Thermite: "You must have the luck of the devil Chul."

Thermite closed the door behind Vigil, and would shake Vigil's hands with both of his hands.

Thermite: "Glad to see an old friend."

Vigil: "Same here. I came here to actually regroup Team Rainbow."

Thermite: "I see. By the way, don't hang around the streets like that here. You might get caught by suspicious people."

Vigil: He would take out his SMG-12 "I guess they can test me."

Thermite: "Not only that but at night, the infected come at night to have a feast outside. It's sad how much die again before they can get vaccinated and return back to normal human beings..." He'd sigh

Vigil: "Don't worry, once we get back together as a team, we will end this faster than just ourselves."

Thermite: "Good good... but how about we fetch Doc?"

Vigil: "We... don't know where he is."

Thermite: "We..?"

Vigil: "Grace, Eliza, and my kid came along. They are resting nearby a hotel."

Thermite: "I see. I also would've let you guys rest here too." He would chuckle

Vigil: "We don't want to be a hassle to you. Anyways, we should lay low away from your home. Who knows, someone might be here to hunt us."

Thermite: "I doubt there's anything that could get worse from here. Now, take me to Eliza."

Vigil: "Let's head to the truck then."

The two would leave the house and Vigil would drive Thermite to the hotel where Grace, Eliza, and Olivia were staying at. As they entered the lobby, Ash was waiting there, smiling as she saw Thermite.

Thermite: "Hellooooo-"

Ash: She'd hug Thermite "So glad you aren't a goner."

Thermite: "Pfft, like that would happen."

Ash: Turns to Vigil  "By the way Chul, Grace is with Olivia in the room. Meet you up there once I get caught up with Jordon."

Vigil would nod, and would wave goodbye for now as he headed for the room. Ash gave him the room key last minute and he would unlock the door, seeing both Dokkaebi and Olivia asleep on the same bed. Smiling, he would pull the sheets over and then went up to Dokkaebi's ear.

Vigil: "For a special forces operator, you sure are a slacker." He laughed quietly

Dokkaebi would turn to Vigil half asleep and would pout before covering herself over the sheets.

Then, the room door opened with Ash and Thermite entering.

Ash: "Alright, let's rest up once I go over some stuff with you Chul."

Vigil: "Sure, go ahead."

The chapter ends here for now...



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