Chapter 5: Operation White Noise

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        It has been half of the day since they were flying to clubhouse, but they made it. Jager landed the helicopter from a safe distance and turned it off.

Jager: "Alright, everyone off."

        Everyone hopped off the helicopter  with their equipment they brought and slowly and quietly walked to the front of clubhouse. It was all boarded up.

Thatcher: "Shits going to start happening, get your asses ready. Drone it out to find the biohazard."

        Then, a random camera finds their position and a hail of gunfire happens.

*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

Terriost 1: "Hostiles spotted! Stop 'em and get them!"

        Barricades break open with white masked terrorists aiming their weapons at the operators and opened fire. All five managed to run behind a truck. They needed to do something before they become sitting ducks.

Dokkaebi: "I'm going to give them a call to distract them and take them out!" *hacks and calls*

*Ring noises heard*

Thatcher: "Get them!"

*Bam! Bam! Bam!*

        After that call, the terrorists started falling but none of them were shooting. Except Vigil, who was accurately taking them down one by one. There were still too many terrorists at the windows at doors.

        They all were suprised but focused back and assisted Vigil. After a small fight outside, they managed to get inside the clubhouse at the bar. It was very quiet, too quiet. Thatcher saw a lot of electronic devices roaming around the room. He threw his EMP grenade.

Thatcher: "Lights out. Let's try to look for the biohazard again by the way."

Vigil: "Found it, last floor, basement whatever its called."

Thatcher: "Doc, Jager, and I take the stairs while Vigil and Dokkaebi find a flanking route to get them off guard. Got it?"

Rest of squad: "Got it."

        Thatcher, Doc, and Jager went down the stairs while Vigil and Dokkaebi tried to find another place to get to the objective. Vigil found another set a stairs to the room and lead Dokkaebi with him.

Vigil: "Quiet Dokkaebi, I hear beeping."

Dokkaebi: Whispers "What's that noise?"

Vigil: Whispers "Probably a C4 or nitro cell I dont know."

        Dokkaebi walked in front of Vigil and showed a sign that it was clear. Then from around the corner, a suicide white mask ran at Dokkaebi.

Suicide Terriost: "You're coming with me BITCH!"

Dokkaebi: Screams "HOLY SHIT VIGIL HELP!"

        Vigil catched up and tried to shoot the suicide bomber but the white mask pressed the button and a huge explosion went off. Everyone including Thatcher, Jager, and Doc heard the loud explosion. Dokkaebi flew backwards and rolled to Vigil. Dokkaebi was severely wounded and was unconscious.

Thatcher: "Doc, get to Vigil, I heard a loud explosion and Dokkaebi's yell."

Doc: "Copy, on my way to Vigil. On your way Vigil."

        When Doc reached Vigil, he stopped and saw Vigil beside Dokkaebi on his knees. Vigil looked at Doc.

Vigil: "If your a doctor, please help her!"

Not a Peep (R6 Siege)/Vigil x DokkaebiWhere stories live. Discover now