Chapter 21

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Elhaam's POV

"It was clear she'd choose him. This is not fair. Ba zan yarda ba!!" (I won't agree to this!)Baffa frantically yelled like a lunatic, irritating me beyond any limit I set for myself.

"Ahaps! Kai ka janyo wa kan ka. Ai na gaya maka. Wawa"  Shetti shrugged casually. (Sure! You caused this upon yourself. I told you so)

"Wallahi shetti zan ci uban ka" baffa dangerously warned. (Its an insult, I don't know how to say it😅)

"Ci mana. Na hana ka. Mtseew. Wawa Kasai" shetti hissed. (Go ahead. Did I stop you)

With the stress of the event weighing me down, I had no energy to handle anymore, or even witness siblings bicker.

I had no intentions of talking to anyone, not even Ayan. I spun around ready to leave just when I felt a jerk on my forearm.

"Ni zan aure elhaam ko kuna so ko ba kwa so. Za ku gani" baffa yelled holding onto my arm a little tighter.(I will be the one to marry Elhaam, like it or not. You'll see)

It all happened fast and unexpected as the sound of my palm came in contact with his left cheek echoed in the pin drop silent room.

Furiously, I yanked my arm from his grasp and distanced myself away.

"I don't care if THIS is taking a major toil on you or not, but don't you dare touch me again. I am the one getting married, I get to choose who my husband will be and he definitely isn't a low life like you. With my brother here, your father, brother and my would be husband present as witnesses, I'm warning you baffa to stay away from me. Its my last warning for you" I was surprised at how calm my voice sounded. Inside, I felt like a mess.

I rushed out of the building before I lost control of my emotions.

I am getting married at fifteen! The reality of what just happened came crashing down on me like a hurricane.

Why didn't Milan tell us to prepare me for this? He whom I took as my hero isn't so great after all, why?

I didn't want to go home, I wasn't ready to face Ayan. I couldn't just wander around either. The crying sight of me in front of the kids coming out to play, and the taunting women ready to gossip isn't an option. I had only one place left, aunty fa'is place, my old haven.

I rushed in that direction before I would breakdown but the person I wouldn't have expected stopped me.


I looked his way not having enough courage to look him in the eye.

"Can...can we have a walk?"

I couldn't find myself saying no, I also couldn't say yes. I was numb in one place looking at anything but his face.

"Please?" He added.

Dejectedly, I walked to stand beside him, silently agreeing for the walk.

It was far more than the word awkward or uncomfortable. I was having a stroll with the one whom I was to marry in a month to come.

"I'm sorry" he spoke after a while catching me off guard with his apology.

"Why? You're not at any fault"

"So is Ayan. He only did what he thought was best for his sister. You shouldn't be angry at him"

"I'm not angry at him" I mumbled.

"Then why are you not going home. Instead, you choose to go to aunty fa'i to console you"

I kept mum, coming to the realization I held a little anger against him.

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