Chapter 33

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I was awoken due to beyond reasons, yet for another night and I couldn't convince myself to get enough sleep with the heavy responsibilities loaded on me.

I got out of bed to air the random thoughts out of my head, and free myself of a little burden enough for me to sleep.

Over the past two weeks, my mid night trips to the kitchen have become a mandatory thing. I guess if anyone heard noise now, they'd guess I was the one.

Elhaam and I haven't spoken to each other for two weeks now, and I very much know how relieved she is about that.

I tried convincing myself to have an indifferent opinion about it, going by how I make it seem to her, but failed miserably.

I do care. I care about how she paints me to be the bad guy when I clearly am not. I cared that she's painfully distancing herself from her brother when it clearly was uncalled for. I most certainly cared about freeing her from the burden she's unintentionally attached to herself.

I've put on the façade of not caring for a long time and it ached. Deep down i knew it was time I put a stop to it.

I glanced at the time from my lit phone screen to read past 2am.

I huffed a sigh remembering the resting pamphlet I've had for a week now.

I had to do something about it sooner or later.

I took a gulp from my glass of water and made my return to the room.

With a lot of du'as, I finally fell asleep.


Third person's POV

Breakfast passed by as it normally did. A week before, Mr harun had returned to Nigeria for his work after showing anything necessarily needed to Fahaad.

The tension between Elhaam and Fahaad however hasn't been felt by anyone except one person, Masatab, who so eagerly wanted them to resolve their difference.

After breakfast, the days work began for everyone with a routine. Mastab and Alisha go by bus to their destinations, Fahaad had urgent documentations to do concerning their future there, and Mrs harun, was a house wife.

Elhaam hurdled herself back on the bed knowing the house was either for her alone, or Mrs harun was downstairs. Both circumstances not interrupting her comfort zone whatsoever.

The chill coming from the AC resulted to the her snuggling deeper into the duvet, only to be interrupted by the familiar ringing of her phone.

Reluctantly, she reached for the phone on the side table to see an incoming video call from fatima, the only sister she had, causing a smile across her face.

It took a while for the network to stabilise and Fatima's face to be confortably seen on the screen. Her Cheshire cat smile she had made Elhaam let out a short giggle.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

"Like what?" Fatima played dumb not reducing the excitement on her face one bit.

"Like you won something big I'm not aware of" Elhaam sat herself up so the phone was confortable in her hands.

"Maybe I did. You won't believe it. I'm going off camp today" she let out a squeal resulting to a scold from aunty fa'i in the background.

"Wow! How? Why?" Elhaam bewildered.

It was indeed an outrageous thing. No woman was known to have left the camp after getting in, her exceptional. And now Fatima, with the news.

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