Chapter 27

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I muttered thousands of duas, basically all I ever knew in my life as the pilot announced our takeoff. Clutching my sweaty palms even tighter as the place moved along the runway.

Here we go!

A panic attack was on its way, and I had no clue as to how to avoid it. Where some people experience giddiness in an airplane, I was busy struggling with my shallow breaths and a possible panic attack.

Unconsciously, I grabbed fahaad's arm trying to compose myself just a tad bit, ignoring the nagging self pride telling me to back off. Its natural I guess, we just had an inaudible fight, and me seeking any sort of help is a sign I've forgiven and let go of what transgressed, which was the opposite of what was on my mind. and my pride wasn't ready to accept it.

"Do you want a gum?"

I glanced his way for a second showing the disinterest on my face, I declined shaking my head.

A while later, just as we were about to take off, he heaved a defeated sigh, catching my attention by it.

I could barely comprehend what was going on as he took my hand placing a gum wrap in it.

"Have it. I'm not asking anymore. Now."

It took me off guard the command in every word, yet fueling my anger even more.

How dare he try to command me!

I glared at him as hard as I could possibly as I shoved the gum in my mouth quite aggressively.


He gave an annoying smile that perhaps would have seemed innocent if it weren't for the frustration in me. Rather, it just seemed sinister to me.

I huffed loudly, making it crystal clear how unhappy I am about being ordered around.

For a moment, it seemed he was battling with himself whether to say something to me, or not, he settled for a sigh which was better. The last thing I needed as we took off into the air is an argument.

The plane ride went by in a drag. No matter how much I tried to ignore his presence beside me, something just had to go wrong.

To pass my meal, it had to be him. To go to the restroom, I had to go through him. He even covered me with a blanket when I fell asleep and I had to say 'thank you', I mean, come on!

At this point, I had no idea what to be angry at specifically. I was just angry, and the sight of him didn't help.

I struggled with my suitcase and constant flaying veil due to the morning windy weather. Despite him offering to help me with it, I obviously refused. I just wanted to get this day over with. Which was nothing soon as the day just began.

"I can help you with that if you want" he stated from behind me, reminding me of his existence again.

"No, I'm fine. I can handle it" I replied not bothering to stop or look back. Come to think of it, I have no Idea where I'm going. As far as my knowledge, finding the exit to the airport is the first step and that's what I'd do.

Too engrossed with getting my scarf to stay put in one place, I went head on, knocking a lady down and a couple of her stuff.

I opened my mouth in a haste to apologize for my mistake but she beat me to it.

"Are you blind or what! What is your deal?" She spat glaring straight at me.

I wasn't good at pinning facials to countries and races, but I knew for a fact she wasn't African. The absence of melanin was quite notable. She looked at least twenty years if I was to say.

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