2. Zim the weird kid

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Hey guys, I feel the need to point out that in this story the characters will be about 16 years old, this is because i'm a bit older myself and it would make a bit uncomfortable to write about kids XD thanks for your understanding!

3rd person POV

''Great'' you give him a polite, yet awkward smile. Dib however is paying no mind to it whatsoever, he already seems to be fantasizing about you two beating up some alien butt. 

''Wait, I haven't even asked your name yet. So uh, what is it?'' he stops doing some happy dance to turn and ask you that question. 

''Y/N, but you can just call me N/N if you'd like'' you tell him. He smiles.

''Well alright then N/N, let's solve some mysteries!-'' but before Dib can say anything more the what looks to be the teacher, yells at him.

''DIB THE ONLY THING YOU'LL DO IS GO TO CLASS RIGHT NOW'' she pushes both you and him into the classroom.

''Awwh man'' Dib pouts. He looks over to the side, making direct eye contact with a kid who is green?? He also has no ears or nose, he must have some sort of condition. The kid sticks out his tongue towards Dib and he gets visibly upset. Dib whispers towards you.

''See him? That's the alien I was talking about!-'' he gets cut off once more.

''DIB SIT DOWN BEFORE YOU'LL MAKE ME DO SOMETHING YOU'LL REGRET'' the teacher yells, having moved her way back to her desk.

''Yes Ms. Bitters..'' He walks over to his own desk as well, however not losing eye contact with the so called 'alien'. 

''As for you'' The teacher apparently called Ms. Bitters says, looking over at you. ''Introduce yourself!'' She points at a spot in front of the class room, you stand there and start doing as she says. (Being in bad terms with her doesn't seem like the smartest idea lol)

''I'm Y/N, I am 16 years old and I just moved here. Please be kind to me and uhh.. Let's be friends!'' You smile awkwardly since social situations aren't your strongest suit. The class just kinda blinks at you, they all look like mindless zombies. Except for that green kid, he looks at you curiously. You give him a small shy wave. His eyes widen and he jolts his head to the side, avoiding eye contact, but he takes small peeks in between. (Another weird kid, just what you needed.. Not)

Zim's POV

It was a normal day for Zim, nothing out of the ordinary. Zim knew there was going to be a new student, a girl. Zim thought about introducing himself at lunch to get her on his side, BUT what I, the great Zim did not see coming was her walking in with.. The DIB. The Dib gets scolded so me, Zim, could not resist making fun of him. The female starts to introduce herself.

''I'm Y/N, I am 16 years old and I just moved here. Please be kind to me and uhh.. Let's be friends!'' She said. 

''Friends?'' Zim wonders. Zim has none of the sort, everyone dislikes Zim, not as much as the Dib of course. However, this could be an interesting learning experience. I look at her some more, she looks quite refined unlike the other human worm babies. She has pretty H/L  hair of the color H/C and her eyes.. They're E/C. I observe her some more until.. SHE'S WAVING AT ME? ZIM? Maybe the Dib hasn't infected her mind yet.. Or maybe he has! Zim already thought her beauty was unusual, it's all parts of the Dib's evil plan to hypnotize Zim, I must look away!

3rd person POV

You start looking for your own desk, but there's no space at all. You turn to miss Bitters. ''Uhm teach.. There's no free space'' she sighs in annoyance.

''I'll just send someone to the underground classroom, where do you want to sit?'' She asks. (Underground classroom??) You decide not to ask. You also scan the classroom for a place to sit. You spot Dib pointing to the seat next to his.. In an EXTREME manner. He really wants you to sit next to him. You look over to the other side where you see the green kid still avoiding eye contact. This leaves you with three choices: sit with the school psycho, sit with the school weirdo. Both of these would probably turn out horrible. However the safest bet would probably be.. Sitting in the back! 

''I would like to sit at the back please'' you smile politely. Both boys look surprised.

''As you wish'' She then proceeds to open a hatch for a kid in the back row who drops into the ground. 

You stand there in shock. So that's what she meant?? That's ridiculous!

''Well what are you waiting for! You already wasted enough of my time'' Ms, Bitters says with a bitter expression.

You start to move towards the seat in the back. Looking over to both Dib and Zim looking by. Dib looks at you sadly whereas Zim looks at you in disgust. You feel guilty, but you simply don't want to get involved in whatever these guys are up to. You sit down and don't look up for the remainder of the lesson.

Dib's POV

The lunch bell rings and I see Y/N has already jolted out of the classroom. Well there went my chance of convincing her. I make my way to the cafeteria and spot my sister Gaz, I start to explain what had happened.

''I would say i'm surprised, but i'm not'' Gaz says unamused 

''I just don't understand what I did wrong!'' I grab a lunch tray as Gaz is already making a beeline towards a table.

''You come off too strong, you need. To. Relax'' She says as she starts to eat her food. 

''But I don't know how to do that..'' I say quietly ''BUT I'M WILLING TO TRY!!''

The whole cafeteria looks at me. I just realized I yelled the last part.

''You idiot..'' Gaz spats

3rd person POV

You're looking for a place to eat lunch at when you suddenly hear Dib yell. Uh oh, no way! You decide to go eat your lunch outside. You spot another familiar green face as you make your way to the playground to eat.

''Oh you've got be kidding me-'' you both say synchronized. Then you both halt and stare at each other. 

You start to laugh ''What do you mean? You're the weird one! Not me'' 

The kid looks at you in disbelief ''how dare you!! you should be grateful to even breath the same air as me, the great Zim!''

''Well if you're so great. Why are you sitting alone by yourself?'' You ask. He looks away.

''I have no friends..''

''Oh I'm sorry-'' He cuts you off

''BUT I DONT NEED FRIENDS, FRIENDSHIP SUCKS!'' he looks away, clearly he's had some sort of bad experience when it comes to friends.

''Well do you want to be, lunch buds instead?'' you ask carefully when sitting next to him, it's not like the cafeteria is any better.

''So long as we aren't friends'' Zim says, poking at his food.

'Not friends it is!'' You smile, devouring your food.

Zim nearly barfs seeing you do that

Wow it's been ages, idk if I will ever finish this lol but I wanted to make another chapter since I had already written half of it. Apologies!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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