1. Going to skool

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(Sup guys! It's been a while. I'm currently very busy with school so the updates won't be super fast. Anyhow, you know the drill:

Y/N: your name
L/N: last name
S/N: sisters name
H/C: hair color
H/L: hair length
E/C: eye color

If there's anything else you'll see later in the story. Now.. Enjoy!)

Your POV

Up until this point things have been pretty nice. Breakfast, school, lunch (which is amazing at our school by the way!), hanging out with my family and going to sleep. I would say I had a pretty ordinary family except that my dad left when I was very young so my mom has been taking care of my sister and I all this time. I can't really complain to be frank with you. Well, that was until...

"Y/N, pack your bags the truck is going to be here soon!" My mom yelled.

Yup. I'm moving. Now you may be wondering why, but it's not really that much of a surprise. Because my mom has been doing everything, she also pays for everything and well recently she lost her job. She's desperately trying to search for one in order to maintain the family, but the only way to get the job she stumbled across, was to move all the way to a new town! I didn't like the idea of it all and neither did my sister, but honestly.. What could we possibly do here? I appreciate my mom's hard work a lot and the only thing I can do is to make it as easy for her as I possibly can.

"I'm coming!!" I yell as I put my backpack on, grab a box filled with stuff and run downstairs.

"Hey! Hey! Be careful with that!!" My sister yells who I nearly bumped into. Her hair is a mess and she has piece of toast in her mouth. She's dressed really sloppy which isn't something new. She's never been the early type.

"Sorry, I'm just really.. Hyped" I say rubbing the back of my head, nearly dropping the box.

"Yeah that's one way to put it" she laughs, hitting you on the arm. You nearly dropped the box again. "You know what.. I'll just take that from you" she grabs the box and carries it outside. Before she leaves the house she yells "There's some breakfast for you on the table, I'm sure you can get that yourself without destroying something!".

"Yeah.." I awkwardly walk away, embarrassed of me not being able to properly carry a box. When I walked into the kitchen I spot a plate with some toast and butter on it. Wow how english can a meal get? I grab the piece and take a bite. I look around the kitchen and suddenly get a hit of realization. In less than an hour from now you won't see this place again.. This thought upset you a lot and a tear forms in you eye. Then your mom walks into the kitchen, whilst you slowly eat the toast that you can't seem to digest.

"I know that expression, whilst you eat all too well.." My mom says putting the box down she was holding.

"Mom!" I quickly wipe my tear away. "It's nothing.. I'm just a bit tired is all"

"You expect me to believe that?" She says walking over. "I may be getting old, but I'm not getting stupid. You do this thing, whilst you eat when your upset where you squint your eyes together as if you ate a lemon" she laughs. I look at her and can't help, but start to cry. She quickly grabs you into hug. "Hey hey, it's okay. I know it's tough honey. I know you really like this place" she waits a bit until she releases me and whipes my tears away. "But I also know you're a strong girl who likes a bit of adventure" she smiles. "-And who makes a sour face when she eats when she's upset" I laugh. She's always been really good at cheering me up, she really is a great person.

"Thanks mom.. I'll just.. Really miss it here and I never knew anything outside of this place. I'm not sure I'll be able to fit in.." I look away, hesitant to look her in the eyes.

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