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Callums POV

I was running down the hall when I saw two doors marked 'prisoners' and 'creatures' the creatures door was locked so I went to the other door.

I opened it and continued to dart down the hall l, looking into every cell until I saw Ezrans.

"Ez" I yelled when I saw him.

They're were sets of keys labeled 'Prisoner' and 'Creatures' I grabbed the prisoner keys off the shelf "Callum?" Said Ezran as I opened the cell.

He had a couple of scratches and small cuts but other than that he looked fine

"Are you OK? Where's Rayla" I said while helping him up "I'm hungry, but fine and Raylas just down the hall." Ezran said calmly

  "You get her while I get Snowy and Legend".

Ezrans POV

I walked down the hall and grabbed the creature keys and opened the other door. There were hundreds of magical creatures in cages.

A Moonstrider saw me "King Ezran" he said as he bowed to me. (I can understand animals)

"Please help me and the other magical animals trapped here, A Dark Magic user by the name of Claudia plans to use us for experiments" he said with tears in his eyes.

"You poor things" I said gazing at the poor creature.

"Have you seen a Spirt Wolf pup and a Snow Fox anywhere" I said as I opened the cage the Moonstrider was trapped in.

"No, sorry, but I have seen a glow toad named Bait, he was talking about you, he's 3 cells down" he said as he walked out with a limp.

"Are you Ok?" I said staring at his damaged leg.

"I will be alright" he said as he began to run out the room. "Bye King Ezran"

I ran down the hall until I saw Bait.

"EZRAN". he said glowing with excitement when he saw me.

I unlocked the cage and hugged my grumpy friend.

"I'm so glad you're ok" I said with a smile on my face.

"Where is Snowy and Legend?" I asked

Bait glowed blue, something bad must've happened

"A Moon Phoenix controlled by Dark Magic took them away" he said with tears in his eyes.

"I tried to stop him but he attacked me" Bait turned around to show me scars on his side.

Just then I heard something "EZ" "HELP" I ran to where the sound was coming from.

And I saw a Spirt Wolf and a Snow Fox.

I unlocked the door, "hello, what are your names" I asked them.

"Ez, it's us, Legend and Whisper" said the Spirt Wolf with fear in eyes

It was frightening to the the pups older then they used to, they pretty much had years taken off of they're lives.

"Legend, Whisper" I said stroking their fur "how did this happen".

"Claudia sprinkle some kind of Dark Powder on us and it turned us older" said Whisper.

"Ok here's the plan. Bait, take these keys and free the other animals trapped here".

I said handing the keys to Bait "You two follow me" I said to Legend and Whisper.

"Yes sir king sir" said Bait holdings the keys in his mouth than running off.

"Come on, let's go get Rayla" Said Legend running out the cage.

Me and Whisper ran after the Spirit Wolf.

"Come on legs! Go faster!"


I ran down the hall and saw Rayla in a cell, she looked barely alive.

"RAYLA!" I shouted.

"Callum?" She said weakly as I unlocked the door, she had scars, bruises, and burns.

"What happened to you" I said putting my hand on her cheek.

"Claudia happened" she said wincing.

"She kept going on going on about revenge and taking over Zadia" Rayla turned to show me a deep wound on her hip.

"Claudia grabbed a knife and, and" she said running out of breath.

She fell to the floor. "RAYLA NO" I yelled crouching down.

Ezran ran into the cell with a Spirt Wolf and a Snow Fox.

"What happened" he said with his hands over his mouth.

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