The Sickness

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Baits POV
"Wake up night light" I heard a voice say.

I opened my eyes and saw Legend laying in front of me.

"I'm not a night light" I mumbled dizzily trying to stand up.

My memories of the recent events came slowly.

I saw the caterpillar trapped in a tiny jar.

"The caterpillars control took a toll on Snowy, so she's resting" Legend said motioning too Snowy under a blanket being tended to by Callum and Rayla.

"There you go good girl, have some moonberry juice" Rayla said while putting a small bottle of moonberry juice in front of Snowys mouth so she could drink some.

I saw a deep wound on Legends paw wrapped up in gauze.


"Well.... let's just say that Snow fox teeth are very sharp" Legend said with a nervous smile.

I gave him my grumpy look, which isn't that different from my regular look. I was about to cuss him out when I heard Snowy coughing.

Legends POV
After I heard Snowy coughing me and Bait ran to her.

She had a fever, and and she could barely stand.

"I don't feel so good" she said weakly. I felt a burning fury that could light 1,000 fires with its embers.

Claudia created that caterpillar, it's because of her that Snowy is ill.

She could die, and we don't know how to help her, if we can help her.

I charged at Claudia seeing red.

I pounced, my fangs just inches from her neck, when a force blasted me back.

I smelled so much dark magic that I could almost see the evil odor.

"Behind. You" Snowy said weakly but worried.

I looked behind me and saw a tall man in a black cloak towering over me.

"Leave my daughter alone" he said in a eerie voice.

It was Viren! But no one could survive that fall from the storm spire.

I waited for him to attack first, but he just retreated and walked down the hall.

"Ezran, translate" I said to Ezran.

"Guys, Legend has something has something to say" he said to Callum and Rayla.

"you guys go after the Viren, and I'll stay here with Snowy" I said to Ezran.

After Ezran repeated what I said they all nodded in agreement and left.

"Don't worry Snowy" I said laying next to Snowy.
"We're going to get though this"

"When did you get so mature" said with a smile

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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