Cute caterpiller....

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Snowys POV
After Claudia stopped the illusion, we were following her to viren (if he isn't human jelly right now).

While we were walking, I saw a cute little purple caterpillar squirming across the floor.

"Hey little guy" I said crouching down in front of it. Almost immediately the bug ran to me, climbed on my neck, and bit me!

A voice went into my head, my thoughts weren't my own.

"Attack your master" the voice said eerily... I had no choice but to obey.

Baits POV

I walked down the hall with a thousand magical creatures following me.

"When are we gonna get there, frog?" A Eon-Mawed Megagator growl behind me

"Chill out we're almost there, geez"

I was trying to find Ezran and the others so I could get my 'army' to get us out of here using brute force. But they were being a bit stubborn

I smelled dark magic and I look around the corner to see Snowy on top of Callum trying to snap his neck!

Legend was wounded and Ezran and Rayla were frozen with fear!

"HEY SNOW BALL" I yelled to get her attention.

She looked at me, and instead of her eyes being a crystal blue, they was a dark evil purple.

"Time for dinner, frog" Snowy said creeping toward me.

She darted, preparing her fangs so they can pierce my flesh.

I wait until she's a foot away from me, then I do what I do best: shine bright.

I glowed and she stumbled and fell. The animals pinned her down.

"You can't stop us" Snowy said in a voice that wasn't hers, "Lord Viren will destroy you all" while she was struggling I saw a caterpillar latched onto her neck. The caterpillar looked me in the eye,

then dart towards me. When it bit what should my neck, I could feel it taking over my mind.

I Struggled trying to fight it and I crashed into the stone wall; everything went black.....

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