Chapter 1-It's Valentine's Day...Again

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            It's Valentine's Day. Again. Why does it have to come once a year? Can't it be only every five years? Or never? It's seriously just another day in the year...People created Valentine's Day for guys to buy girls cheap flowers and heart shaped boxes of chocolate, tell them that they love them just to get them in bed with them, and then someone ends up pregnant. It's not like I hate being single or I'm love sick, I just can't stand Valentine's Day. Everything is so sappy and mushy...and everyone acts like it's the greatest day of the year. But whatever. What am I gonna do?

As I doodle on a random piece of notebook paper, I feel the prescence of a teacher standing over me. I look up and back away slightly, only to get scolded.

"Kayla Turner, where is your essay on the poem we just read yesterday in class?" She narrowed her little squinty eyes at me.

"Don't got it." I look back down to my paper and return to drawing.

"Just like that. You don't put any effort forward. That is laziness, right there, and-"

"I had to babysit my three younger brothers for four hours last night, and then I had to do all of my older sister's chores because she's 'sick' with the flu," I interrupted her. She scoffed and walked back to her desk. I was not in the mood to get lectured by my ancient, huffy teacher. I pressed the pen down harder now, making the lines more bold. Although, I still felt a pair of eyes on me from behind. I turned around to see it was the "emo" kid, Aaron Potts.


He jumped and shook his head. "Nothing, sorry..."

He went back to, um, whatever he was doing. Not that I have a thing against emos, because I don't, but Aaron was so weird...he was always brooding in the back corner, never saying anything. He literally doesn't have any friends. Like, at all. I kinda feel bad, but at the same time, it's stupid because if he was just a little more social, he might have a friend or two. But whatever. Not like I care about his social life. After what seemed like forever, the lunch bell rang. I swung my backpack over one shoulder, not bothering to put my arm through the other strap. I walked out the door of my English class and fast walked to my locker. I hated to get to lunch late, because all the good food is taken in two seconds and the only thing left is the salad bar with the unknown toppings. As I was power-walking, I saw Chase Donavan, the most popular guy in school, pinning Chelsea Brown against the wall. He was basically sucking her face off, while the dumb teachers didn't even notice.

"Ugh, why does everyone have to show so much PDA?", I said to myself.

Finally, I got into the cafeteria. I grabbed a tray and jumped into the chicken patty line. I loved chicken patties. After the lunch lady with the big mole on her face dropped one on my tray, I dropped my money on the counter in front of the register. I was never really good at math, so I always let some other random person do it for me. I squirted a pump of ketchup on my tray, then walked over to the table where I always sit.

See, there's kind of a "table code" for lunch. Each group sits at a certain table. For example, you have the math nerds, jocks, preps, bad boys, cute animal obsessed girls, immature jerkoffs, future musicians, freakishly amazing artists, techies, red necks, back stabbing bitches, unfriendly weird girls, druggies, and us. My table doesn't really have a specified label, we're just kind of there. I know it sounds lame, but trust me, it's much better than being labeled.

So as I sit down, my best friend, Kandace Everson, immediately grabs my attention.

"Oh, my God, you'll never guess what I'm about to tell you!"

"Let me try, um, Billy and you had your first kiss today?"

Her smile slightly dropped in disappointment. "Okay, yeah, but there's also something else way awesomer!"

Without difficulty, her bright smile returned. The thing I liked about Kandace the most was that she was always happy.

"I'm lazy today, so why don't you just tell me?"

I didn't expect it to be very exciting, so I was completely in shock when Kandace told me.

"Okay, Chelsea Brown actually invited me to her Valentine's Day party this Friday, and she told me to tell you that you're invited too!"

I almost choked on my chicken patty.


"I know! It's crazy, isn't it?!"

"Yeah, me going to a Valentine's Day party? Totally whack."

She gave me her I-should-have-known-you-would-have-said-that look.

"Come on, Kayla! It'll be fun! Please come. Just so I won't be alone?"

Her eyes begged. I sighed.

"Okay, fine. But I'm not playing spin-the-bottle."

She narrowed her eyes deviously. "We'll see about that."

I rolled my eyes and ate the last bite of my patty. As I was walking over to the trash can to throw my trash away, I noticed Chelsea, um, smiling at me? I gave a small smile back as she waved to me. Shocked, I waved back. I turned around and put my tray on the conveyor belt that took the trays to the washer.

Why would Chelsea Brown, cheerleader captain, be nice to me, or even awknowledge my existence? Today was just getting weirder and weirder.

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