A Date With Eve

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I lift the weight up and down, my muscles burning with each heave. I need to do something to make up for yelling at Eve. My mom always used to tell me that if you got in trouble with your woman, you're supposed to make some kind of big gesture to make it up to her. Something like a dozen roses and her name on the big screen of a football game. I don't think Eve would like that though, in fact. that might get me into even more trouble than I'm in now. Setting the weights down on the rack, i wipe the sweat off my forehead and get up, making my way to the kitchen. Shes been on a big date kick lately, maybe if i took her on one instead of her taking me on one, she'd forgive me? I guess its worth a try. I have no idea what we'll do or where we'll go, for that matter.I wipe my hands on my pants before opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle and gulping down the precious liquid.

Taking the bottle with me, i walk back to my room and strip out of my sweaty clothes. I walk to the bathroom with my boxers on and take those off too, jumping in the shower. Turning the water to hot, i rack my brain for suggestions. We've already been to a fair together, not that there's one in town anyway. I already took her to my hill to watch the stars, so that's out too. I rub some shampoo in my hair and try to block out the fact that she didn't return my 'I Love You' that night. We haven't been skating together and i know she likes to do that. Don't  know why though, skating is hard. I wash it out, enjoying the warm water soothing my sore muscles. I haven't been skating since i was a kid....i don't even remember how to do it anymore, but hay-it cant be that bad, can it? I turn the water off and get out, not bothering to condition my hair. Never understood why people did that. Drying off, i grab my phone from off the counter and send Eve a message.

Mat: Hey angel....you like skating right?

Walking back to my room with the towel around my waist, i think back to this morning. I know Eve's still mad at me, why else wouldnt she pick me up for school, ignore me the whole day, and sit at another table during lunch? Payne didnt seem to mind our fighting though, bastard enjoyed it. Hanging around Eve all day, giving her hugs whenever he could...he really gets on my nerves. Ever since he came back things with Eve have been going to shit.

Eve: Yeah, i love it. Why ?

I smirk. Gotcha.

Mat: I want to take you on a date. You like skating, so thats what we'll do. See you in a bit babe

I lock my phone and throw it on my bed, pulling on a plaid pair of boxers i found on the floor. What exactly do you wear to go skating? "Mom!" I yell, towel drying my hair. "Yeah?" She calls back to me. "'M going skating with Eve! What should i wear?" I can hear her grumbling and then she walks into my room and makes a B-line for my closet. "Hey!" I yelp, covering my man parts. She waves a hand at me. "I made those, there's nothing to be ashamed of." I put my hands by my sides, deciding shes right. Mom browses through my closet, finally pulling out a long sleeved shirt and my black monster jacket. "Wear these and a pair of loose jeans. Don't interrupt my show again. Love you." She tells me before walking out to the living room. I shake my head but do as i was told. Mom may be a little eccentric, but you gata love her.

I grab the truck keys and my shoes and im out the door. I know the way to Eve's house by heart, though not for any sexual reasons, just for the days i get invited over to hang out for the day. As soon as I'm in the truck i pull on my shoes and turn the radio on, blaring Twenty One Pilots. I really hope skating is easy....


Pulling up to Eve's house, i send her a text telling her I'm outside. Her house is classic. Wooden and its got flowers growing all over the yard. She told me her parents built this house a long time ago, and that her mom loves to garden but never gets the chance to. Guess that explains why most of them are dead...I'm snapped out of my thoughts when the passenger side door opens and Eve slides in, shutting the door behind her. Shes wearing my beanie, i didn't know she still had that.."Hey." She says, looking at me with a small smile. I shake my head and give her a goofy grin, backing out of her driveway and heading towards the skating place. "Hey angel." "So," She plays with her fingers,"Why are you doing this?" Crap, didn't think she'd ask that.  I look over and see her head hanging down, a faint blush on her cheeks and i smile. "I wanted to make up for being such a jerk earlier. That was a douche move on my part." I grab her hand and hold it, turning my attention back to the road. "I really was worried, you know?" Glancing over at her i see her nod and look out the window. Hope its not this awkward when we're skating...


Shes been laughing at me for the past hour and hasn't bothered to offer assistance once. "You suck!" Shes hunched over laughing at me, this is the third time I've fell. We've only been her for half an hour! "Maybe i wouldn't suck as much if someone would bother themselves so much as to help me!" I groan from my spot on the floor. My butt hurts. I'm probably going to have a gazillion bruises in the morning...Eve glides over to me and leans down, offering me a hand. "I'm sorry, need some help?" Shes still giggling but thankfully not as much as earlier. I frown but nod, taking her hand and heaving myself off the abusive floor. "Its easy-" "Easy for you to say." I huff, interrupting her. I earn a glare and grin at her. "Its easy," She continues, giving me the evil eye. "Its just like walking, but you move your foot a little back when you go foreword and you push harder. Watch." She lets go of my arm and starts skating slowly, watching out for the other people skating around the painted lines. She makes it look so easy. I'm not really paying attention to her movements, though i know i should be. Instead i watch her, watch her face light up every time she pushes off the glazed floor, i watch that beautiful smile I've grown to love stretch across her face. Her hair blows into her face and h\she moves it away with one hand, somehow managing to keep her balance. I sneezed and fell last time i was skating, so that simple act amazes me.

Her smile slips away and i soon know why. As i was watching my angel glide across the floor, a little boy trips over his own feet and sends himself hurtling through the air-straight into Eve. She lets out a pathetic squeal as he crashes into her, both of them falling to the floor in a crumpled heap. I try to skate over to them, but end up falling myself. I groan and look up, smiling as i watch them. Eve is laughing as she untangles herself from the kid, helping him up too. The kids face is flushed red and i can see him almost trip as he tries to get to the edge of the rink without falling. Its comical, really.

Eve is still laughing when she skates up to me, holding her wrist. I scowl at that. "Is your arm okay?" I ask her. "I don't know, is your head?" She fires back, helping me up. I look at her strangely. What crawled up her ass and died? "I think its time we went home..." She nods and helps me over to the side rail, unusually quiet.


"Thanks for tonight, i really enjoyed it." Eve smiles at me but i notice shes still clutching her wrist. "I hope you're wrist is okay.." I trail off, leaning in and giving her a goodnight kiss. "It will be." She assures me, giving me a smile and getting out of the truck. "I love you." I call out to her, watching her walk up to her porch. She looks back over her shoulder and gives me another smile and blows me a kiss before walking into her house. I really do love her. I hope she's okay, i didn't mean for her to get hurt tonight...

(Hey, thanks for reading this! If you don't mind, vote and comment on the parts you liked. It really gives a writer incentive to write more :) Thanks!)

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