Date Two, Part One

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"So," Katlin says, crunching on the newly bought bag of Salt and Viniger chips. "What are you doing with Mat today? That is, if you haven't gave up yet." She smirks at me, as if she knows I'm going to fail. She might be right though, I may not be able to make it through this bet. At least maybe not with Mat, he's kind of stupid. I mean, what kind of teenage guy wears Dora underwear?!

"If you must know," I stick my nose in the air and slam my fist down on the table, "I have not and will not give up. Mat and I are going to the Columbia County fair tonight." Kat's eyes go wide and her face is slowly turning scarlet, she puts her hand up to her chest and starts beating it. "Holy crap, are you choking? That's a stupid thing to ask, you're choking in front of me! Okay, I got this, okay, ummm...." I jump up, my chair clattering to the food court floor with a bang. I run behind her and yell, "Clear!" Then punch her in the back and slap the back of her head.

I hear a splat sound and assume she's okay, then walk back and pick up my chair. "You're welcome, bitch." I mutter, sticking my tounge out at some kids that were watching my best friend choke. "You almost killed me!" She sputters, putting a napkin over the food she spit out. Gross....and so much for being thanked for saving her gosh darn life. "Are you kidding? You're the one that choked!" She glares at me and sticks another one of those God aweful chips in her mouth, crunching as she talks. "You have a point there." She swallows and points a finger at me, one hand still in her chip bag. "You can't go to the fair tonight. Do something else."

Is she serious? "What? Why!" I demand, frowning at her. She's the one that suggested this dumb bet in the first place, she can't tell me what dates I can and can't go to! That's not a rule! "Rodney and I are going tonight, you can't be cramping my style!" She throws her hands up in the air, obviously forgetting about the chip bag she had her hand in.  It's as if the world has gone into slow motion as I watch the forgotten chip bag fly off her hand and land on the on unsuspecting head of a bald man sitting two seats away from us.  I let out a gasp and put my hands over my mouth, trying not to laugh.

Kat goes deer eyed and slowly turns around to look. The man is big and muscley, it looks like his shirt might pop off if he moves a little too fast. His muscles tense up as the chips fall down his shirt, the bag bouncing off his unreasonably shiny head. I can see a vein starting to pop out at the base of his neck and I'm starting to get scared. What if Kat's disgusting snack ends up killing us both? What if that guy crushes us like those chips? I slowly start to get up and motion for Katlin to do the same, making sure my chair doesn't squeak on the polished floors. The man starts to stand up just as Katlin and I were making our get away. "Who the hell threw this at me!?" He roars, gripping the bag like I imagine him clutching our throats if we didn't get out of here fast. I spin around and run, heading for the nearest store. I hear shoes squeaking and assume Kat's running away too.

I rush into the store, which just happens to be Victoria's Secret. Pushing people out of my way, yelling out 'excuse me' as I go, I finally make it to the dressing rooms and burst into the closest one, it has 'Fabulous' on the outside, and shut the door behind me. My pulse is racing and I'm starting to see spots so I sit down on the pink couch thing by the mirror and try to catch my breath. I hear loud steps getting closer and closer so I quickly pull my legs up on the couch with me and try not to breathe too loudly. Holy crap, what if its that guy? What if he's going to kill me and stuff me into one of those manaquins outside? Nah, I wouldn't fit.

Out of nowhere, two hands stick themselves under my door and a person starts to crawl inside. I scream. "Help! Help! Rape!" I stand up on the couch and yell louder, but I stop when I see long hair under my door. Its Kat! She survived the serial killer!! I jump down and go to pull her the rest of the way in, and its a good thing she got in when she did. Someone starts banging on our door and shouting curse words at us. I pull Katlin up on the couch with me and we sit there shaking for what seems like forever, but was probably only a minute or two, until a sales lady comes and bans the man from the store for two months.

Knock, knock. "Is anyone in there?" She calls to us. Kat puts a finger over her lips, indicating that I need to be quiet. It only takes a minute for the woman to leave and us to laugh so hard we fell off the bench and knock our heads on the door. We both groan and clutch our heads in pain. "I'm going to the fair with him tonight, and just for that little stunt you pulled, its going to be a double date." I glare at Katlin and she shrugs, accepting the punishment. "Just don't puke on me again." "That was one time! One freaking time, let it go!"


Im at Kat's house, waiting for her to get ready. We told the boys we would meet them at the fair, so we're car pooling tonight. I check myself out in the mirror above Kat's family TV one last time and grin, satisfied. Skinny jeans never felt so good. I pull a stray fuz off my ACDC shirt and pull my jacket on. "You done in there yet, babe?" "Just one second, this stupid jacket won't zip!" I laugh and go sit on her couch, which is surprisingly comfy, and pull on my black heel-boots. Just as I get the first one on, Kat's mom comes out of her bedroom. She walks to their kitchen and I pull on my other shoe, watching her. Opening the cabinet above their sink and pulling her robe closed tighter, she scowls. "Katlin! Get me some Advil on your way back!" She yells, making her way back to her room. She pauses and looks at me, im already staring at her so I don't look away. Shaking her head, she breaks the eye contact and mutters, "Weirdo." Under her breath.

Ignoring her, I bite my lip and get up, going to stand outside Kat's door. "I'll be in the truck, okay?" "Yeah, okay. Just let the boys know we're on our way, I'll be right out." She says. I nod and shove my hands in my pockets, walking out to the truck we're borrowing for the night from Kaitlin's step dad. Neither of us have our license yet, so I hope we won't get stopped tonight. I get in and slam the door shut, sending Mat a text.

Eve: Hey babe, we're on our way. Don't have too much fun without us ;)

I rest my head back against the seat and wait for his reply. Just as Kat comes out of her house with the keys in hand, my phone chimes.

Mat: Sure babes, I'll see you when you get here

Kat gets in and bangs her door shut, grinning at me as she starts the engine. "You ready?" I take a deep breath, preparing myself for tonight. "As ready as I'll ever be."

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