The Bet

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"Dang girl, he gave you that monster?" Katlin does the Hunger Games whistle and three fingers. "You are so dead. Has anyone seen it yet?"

I bring my fingers up to my collarbone and touch the almost purple mark. "Not yet, but its only been a day. How am I supposed to hide it? You know better than I do how to hide these things." I give Katlin a look, thinking back to the once huge hickey Gabe gave her.

"Yeah, I guess you got me there. Come over to my house this afternoon and I'll help you out Chigga." She gives me a wink and walks out my bedroom door, calling out over her shoulder,"I'm eating all your food by the way!"

The fact that she can eat her weight in food and not gain a pound still amazes me. I don't know why though, I do the same thing. I plop down on my bed face first and groan. Of course, Mat just had to give me a hickey in a place everyone can see. I guess it was worth it though, last night was pretty fun...

I hear a loud crash from in the kitchen and groan again. Katlin probably just made a huge mess and knowing her, she's going to leave and let me clean up. How kind of her.

I grit my teeth in frustration and get up to go check. Sure enough, theres chip bags skattered around the floor, Walmart bags hug on the pantry doors, doughnuts smattered to pieces, the fridge door is still open but it looks like Katlin probably took the rest of the Mac and Cheese Mom made and the last of the 7Up cake. This is nothing compared to the Great Cake Fiasco when the whole kitchen and dining room was covered in baking goods. I let out a sigh and got to work.

One hour, two trash bags and a trip to Dollar General later, I have the whole thing cleaned up and everything but the 7Up cake replaced. Amnesia by 5SOS starts to play and I check my phone, forgetting I had it with me.

Kat: Heay, sorry bout the mess babe hope you didn't mind cleaning it up for me. If you still want to hide that monster of yours, come over!

"So now you want to help me." I huff. Whatever, at least she didn't forget.

I go to my room and look in my vanity mirror. A pale girl with short brown hair and dark brown eyes stares back at me. My eyes flicker down to the mark on my collarbone and I think back to when Mat gave it to me. I shiver. He's a really good kisser.

I go to my closet and grab my jacket, a purple one with white fuz on the inside. Mat bought it for me, just because he didn't like me wearing other guys jackets. I walk outside and lock the door behind me. Can't be too careful, even if we do live in the middle of nowhere.

I start walking. Katlin doesn't live to far away, thank God. Usually when we want to hang out we'll go to the park near here. It's not much of a park though, its only got a swing set, a little balance beam, some teeter totters and a bar, I dont know what its called.

I stop and wait for a couple cars to pass by before crossing the street and taking a right turn. Katlin and I haven't been friends for long, only about a year and a half, but we seem closer than normal friends are. We share everything. From the first time Katlin hade sex with Jake Perez, to when I got a new bag of gummieworms. We usually don't care what other people think of us, but when we hear of the other getting picked on, like when Katlin found out I was getting bullied, we raise Hell.

I take a left turn now and pause to watch a little girl chase a brown headed boy. She tripped over something and fell, crying. The boy noticed and ran back to her to give her a hug. She stopped crying and nodded when the boy said something, then got up and they were off again.

I keep walking. It was nice to see that boy taking care of her. Not many people do that now. I kick a pine cone and decide to run the rest of the way, I needed to get my daily run in anyways.

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