Date Four

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"What dress do you think looks best?" Katlin comes out of her closet and grins at me, twirling in the long purple dress. Its the fifth one she's tried on and honestly, I'm bored. This girly stuff just isn't my style. "Looks great, just like the last four you tried on." I say, throwing my ball in the air again. "You didn't even look at it!" She complains. Out of the corner of my eye I watch her stand in front of her mirror and pluck at invisible things on her dress. "Gee, I wonder why I didn't look-oh, because I'm not interested. But seriously, it looks fine."

"Fine doesn't make the cut at all! This is the first dance I'm going to as part of the official staff, I have to look perfect." Kat stresses, going back in the closet again. I don't understand why she's so upset about this, its not like the dudes will look at your clothes unless you're showing boobage. I throw the ball up in the air and watch it. It makes a little spin in the air, and comes back down to hit me in the face before I can catch it. With a grunt I turn to lay on my stomach, proping up on my elbows. Kat's bed creaks and I shift my weight, giggling as it creaks again and again. Yeah, I'm immature. "How many more dresses do you have to try on, babes?" I groan, squinting at the door. I've already been here for two hours, Moms getting home soon and she can't know I left the house. "This is the last one!" She calls, stepping out slowly.

The air hitches in my throat and I'm scared to speak. She looks beautiful, the short green dress really seems to light up her face and give her a woodsey kind of feeling. "That's it, that's the one." I breathe, still afraid to talk. Katlin walks to her mirror, her long tan legs flexing as she goes. Yep, that's the one. "You think?" She asks. You can hear the uncertainty in her voice. I've never understood how a girl that beautiful could think she's ugly. I get up off her bad and walk up behind her, putting my hands around her middle and holding her, putting my chin on her shoulder. "I'm sure of it. You're going to knock the socks off everyone sweetheart." I assure her.

Kat nods and gives me a small smile before leaving my arms and going back into the closet. "Thanks for helping, I really appreciate it." She calls, throwing the dress out the closet to hang up later. "Yeah yeah, you owe me!" I tell her, picking the dress up and putting it on her bed. "I have to go home now, I'll see you tonight baby." I say, walking out her room without a glance back.

Jogging home I think about what I'm going to wear. I don't like dresses or skirts at all and its too formal to wear a suit...I think I'm just going to pick a pear of skinny jeans and a shirt, stick with my boots and maybe a jacket. Moms truck isn't in the carport so I'm guessing she's not home yet. I check my phone as I walk inside, locking the door behind me.

Mat: Hope you're ready to dance, I'm picking you up in a few minutes babe

The school is throwing a dance for us students, kind of like a consolation prize for us going back to school in two days. I don't usually go to dances, not really my thing. Kaitlin's on the yearbook team though, and she made me agree to go or she wouldn't switch the horrible picture of me the photographer took for a cuter one she took.

Eve: Yeah, I'm ready. 6$ right?

Walking into my bedroom I strip off my baggy T-shirt and wiggle out of my sweatpants. I go to my closet and sift through the shirts hanging there. No, ew, that's blue, why do I even own a pink shirt? Finally, I find a shirt I can wear. Its got the British flag on it and says rock and roll in white lettering.

Mat: Don't you worry about the moneys, I got it covered B)

I smile. He's such a weirdo.

Eve: Lol, okay I'll see you soon then

Throwing my phone on my bed I walk to my pants drawer and pull a pair of black skinny jeans out. I shimmy into them and pull the shirt over my head. Walking in front of my mirror I send out a text to mom telling her I'm leaving for the dance. I look up and sigh, sometimes I hate my hair. My face looks fine, no prominent acne showing, no black smudges under my eyes, even the stuff Kat put on my eyes looks okay. The only thing wrong with how I look is my hair-and the fact I'm not wearing shoes. Can't go to a dance without shoes. But my hair is something else. Strands are sticking out randomly and I think one of them are curling.

I take my hands and shake my hair, getting a little dizy in the process. I hear the doorbell ring and I grin. Picking up my shoes to put on later, I run to the door. My socks slip and I accidentally ram my head into the door. I groan in pain and annoyance. Walking out to Mat's truck, I hold my throbbing forehead. "What'd you do? Run into a tree again?" Mat asks, laughing at me. I frown at him and put my shoes on the floorboard before slamming the door closed. "Close but no cigar." I huff. He looks at me and I bend down to put my shoes on, hoping to avoid telling him what happened. "Then what did you do?" I close my eyes. "Nothing." Mat takes the keys out of the ignition. "We're not leaving till you fess up." I groan and grit my teeth in frustration. "I slipped and rammed my head into a fucking door okay!" He bursts out laughing, hitting his head on the steering wheel, accidentally making the horn blast. His eyes widen comically and he looks at me. I can't help it, I burst out laughing too.


I'm ready to leave. Its been two and a half hours and the only thing I've accomplished is doing an awkward dance with a group of girls and scaring two boys when they spilled my Mtn Dew. Katlin hasn't been around, she's either trying to take pictures for the yearbook or working the consession stand. I let Kris play on my phone and guess what-now the battery's dead. Mat and I have just been sitting on the bleachers watching these people attempt to twerk and do the 'wiggle'. Whatever that is.

"You guys are being so flipping boring its not even funny!" May yells, stomping her foot. "I agree." Katlin states, materializing beside May and crossing her arms. I roll my eyes at them. Seriously? What are we supposed to do? I don't know how to dance, and there's nothing else to do. "Yeah, you're right." Mat says, standing up. "Yea-wait what?" I look at him as if he's lost his mind. He only grins at me. "Come on Eve baby, let's dance." Mat grabs my hand and pulls me to the gymnasium floor before I get the chance to protest. I can hear Kat and May giggling at how 'cute' we are. Whatever, I'm only in this for the bet. But as Mat takes my arms and place them behind his head, showing my how to slow dance...I'm not so sure that's the only reason anymore. I actually like Mat. I kind of think that even if the bet wasn't made between Kat and I, I might have still ended up liking this boy.

I look up at him and give a small smile. He has such beautiful eyes, and a killer smile. Not quite killer as in hot, but rather killer as in cute. Mat reaches up and tugs on my hair a little before putting his hand back on my hips as we sway back and forth. "What was that?" I didn't mean to ask in a whisper, but somehow it happened anyway. "I just wanted an excuse to touch your hair. I know you don't like it...but I just adore your hair." Mat's blushing as he says this, making him even cuter. I lean up and touch my lips to the side of his. "You don't need an excuse, sweetheart. You can touch it anytime." That's what she said. I giggle at my small joke, before realizing I didn't say it out loud and clearing my throat to play it off. "Stop that." Mat puts his hand on my neck, just where my hair starts. "Your laugh is too beautiful to hide." Okay, that's it. I'm officially blushing. Yay. I look down and smile, barely noticing the camera flash.

I normally don't like dances, too noisy and full of girls trying to show off for every guy. Jam packed with sweaty teenagers that just want to mess around and over protective chaperones that won't even let people hug. As previously stated, I don't like dances. But this one, I don't hate.

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