Date Eight

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"What the hell were you thinking, Eve?!" Dad yells, pacing the room. "You could've gotten yourself killed! Or worse!" He runs his hands through his hands once more and turns to face mom. "What do you think of this?" He demands, red in the face.

"Honey, I admit that what E did was horrible and that she should be punished-" I interrupt, grumbling,"Not helping mom." "-but was it really that bad?" Dad's face turns an even darker shade of red and mom puts one hand up, silencing him. "Love, she told us where she was. Or at least told Kat. It's not like she dropped off the face of the earth."

"Are you forgeting the fact that she ran away from a hospital?!" He shouts. Im almost expecting steam to come billowing out of his ears soon. "No-not only did she run away from a hospital without telling us, but she also talked to a stranger and got his number!" He rakes his hands through his hair and glares at me. "Did we not teach you about stranger danger or did you just not listen?" He demands, throwing his hands up in frustration.

I'm getting real tired of being yelled at. Standing up out of my chair, I yell,"Enough!" Watching their heads turn towards me, I try to calm myelf down. "I was safe, you knew where I was and I'm home now. That should be all that matters." I glare at them and walk towards my room, calling over my shoulder,"If you're done, I'll be in my room."

Flopping on my bed, I pull out my phone and send a text to Mat.

Eve: Just got home, so bored! XC

After spending the day window shopping with Adam in town, I came home completely unprepared for the storm of rage that is my dad. Adam and I have a lot in common. Like how we both love gummieworms, can't live without music and make artists cry when we draw stick figures. All day long he was making me laugh. Trying on girl clothes, mocking sales people and walking around stores in high heels. He's great, and I might would be interested in him if he weren't gay. Yeah. That's right. The boy version of Elsa is gay. I was suprised too, but it doesnt bother me.

My phone buzzes and I check it, chuckling before climbing out my bedroom window and walking towards the end of my driveway.

Mat: Come outside angel, we'll go on an adventure :*

As im walking, I hug myself. In twelve days, a little more than a week, this adventure with Mat will be over. I'll have to decide whether or not I want to keep dating him or dump him like I'd originally planned to. I'll also have to tell him about the bet, whether or not I decide to keep him. It's only right.

I smile at the headlights bobbing as they go over the bumps in my driveway to reach me. The owner of the car steps out and rushes up to me, giving me a great big hug. "I'm so glad you're okay." Mat whispers, releasing me from the hug and walking towards his car hand in hand with me. I laugh and swing our hands between us. "I was never not okay!"

As Mat opens the passenger side door for me he growls,"So passing out and being in a coma is your version of 'okay'?" I roll my eyes and when he slides in on the drivers side, I tell him,"You have to remember though, my version of okay isn't the same as other peoples versions of okay." Mat chuckles and adds a no kidding under his breath before we lasp into a comfortable silence.

Driving along, I look out of the window and try to imagine the day when I tell Mat the only reason I stayed with him was because of a bet.

Will he be angry?


Will he forgive me...?

Who knows....

"We're here babe. I know a guy, he's letting me borrow it for the night." Mat tells me, grinning. I look around and laugh, he drove me to the batting cages-in the middle of the night! "Why are we here?" I ask as we climb out of his car and walk towards the giant mesh structure. Mat looks at me and grins. "To play ball, dummie." I look at him as if he's mad. "You know I can't play baseball, right?"

He laughs and gets out of the car, coming over to my side to open the door for me. "I'll teach you, baby. It's easy."


He lied. This is the hardest thing I've ever done. The stupid ball keeps going right past me, no matter how hard I try to hit it. "You're doing great!" Mat calls from behind the pitching machine. "Lies!" I yell, throwing my bat down in frustration. "I suck at this! I havent even hit a ball yet!" I huff and slide to the ground next to the cage's mesh wire.

Mat laughs a little, then comes and sits down next to me. "Maybe you havent hit anything yet because you're aiming for the wrong ball." "What?" I ask, looking at him. "There's only one ball." He picks up a stray baseball laying beside him and holds it out to me.

"What I think you're doing is consentrating on the white of the ball when you should be consentrating on the red lines of the ball." Mat traces the pad of his finger on the red stitches of the ball and looks at me. "When the ball comes towards you, what do you look at?" "The ball?" I question.

Mat shakes his head. "No. Instead of focusing on the whole ball, next times it comes towards you I want you to aim for the red ball. The stitches." He stands up and pats the back of his jeans to rub the dirt off that stuck to him when he sat down. "Ready to try again?" He asks, extending a hand out to me. I nod my head and let him pull me up. "Ready."

Picking up the bat again, I walk to the batting mound and square my shoulders while taking in a deep breath. Mat gives me a thumbs up and flashes me a pearly white grin while starting the machine up. What happens next feels like it's in slow motion. The ball flies out of the pitching machine and heads towards me, I'm taking Mat's advice and focusing only on the red stitches, which seem to blur together as the ball gets closer. I let out the breath I've been holding and swing all my weight into the bat and close my eyes. Mat let's out a wild cheer and I open my eyes.

"Did I hit it?" Mat run out from behind the machine and wraps me in a hug, lifting me off the ground. "Hit it? You anialated it! Well, you kind of hit a foul ball, but you hit it!" "I hit it?" I yell,"I hit it! Oh my gosh I hit it! Yes!" I do my happy dance and laugh, hugging Mat again. He rests his forehead against mine and chuckles a little.

"You're so cute when you get excited." He breathes. "I learned from the best." I say, smiling up at him. "Oh yeah?" Mat questions. "And who would that be?" I stand up on my tip toes and lean in for a kiss. "You, of course." He pulls back and laughs, pressing his chapped lips against my forehead. "Not now, Angel. Let's go eat." I pout and cross my arms, heading towards his car. "Come on babes, don't be mad!" Mat calls, chasing after me.


"Mmm," I moan, "This is the best thing I've ever ate!" Mat laughs at me and takes a bite out of his cheeseburger. "It could be because it's two a.m and you're just starving." He offers. I shrug. "Could be."

After leaving the batting cages, Mat drove us to a nearby Hardees. Him paying for the food of course. I'm going to have to go home after this, I can't risk mom and dad figuring out I left. I'd get in more trouble that I definetly don't need.

I wipe my mouth with one of the napkins on the table. "Tonight was fun. Thanks for rescuing me." Smiling at Mat, I pile my trash on the tray. "No need to thank me, fair madien. Rescuing beautiful damsles in distress is my job." Mat grins, puffing out his chest. "What about the ugly ones?" I ask, standing up to put my garbage in the trash can. "Not my problem." Mat shrugs, throwing his trash away with mine.

"Ready to go babes?" He asks, walking me out to his car. "Ready as i'll ever be."


"Thanks again, it means a lot." I scratch the back of my neck and smile akwardly. "No problem, love." Mat hugs me and kisses my cheek. "Can I get a real kiss before you go?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Mm, I dunno." He teases, his face inches away from mine. I lean up and press my lips against his softly, then move back. Waving goodbye to him over my shoulder, I check my phone for the first time tonight, realising I have a couple missed texts.

Adam: Had a great time today, hope we can do it again soon

Payne: I want to take you out tomorrow. My treat

Ignoring both of them, climb back in my window and slide into my comfortable bed.

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