PART 3 • im not like others

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< Evelyn's pov >

To others , fainting in front of fire fighters would have been the best outcome but , once again ,
I'm not like others .

10 hours had passed . 10 hours I had been asleep . 10 hours I had wished it had all been a nightmare . 10 hours I was terrified . 10 hours I wanted to forget .

I woke up to see a woman , she as wearing all red . She was right next to my bed .....

Waking up to a stranger near me . That was what I feared . I jumped away causing her to step back .

*beep* *beep* *beep*

I tried to control my breathing . I need Lacey .

The woman , I think her name was molly , she stepped back and tried to speak to me .

M= molly
E= me

M- woah hey kiddo , I'm just checking your vita-

E - no no no no no , where is she

*my breathing was getting worse , I couldn't breathe properly*

M- who , what do you mean sweetie

E - please don't come close to me , I'm sorry I can't I need my dog , she's allowed I need her . I need her . Please

M - oh is she the beautiful service Labrador , oh hon she's just on a walk around the hospital with one of the fire fighters . They will be back any minute .

E - thank you . I'm sorry I just , I can't , I'm uh . new people .

M- it's okay hon

I sat in the hospital bed trying to match my breathing with the beepy machine next to me , other people would have found it annoying but , once again ,
I'm not like other people .

The firefighter , I didn't recognise him . He walked around the corner holding Lacey . She ran over to me and jumped in my bed , she sat on my lap and I wrapped my arms around her whispering into her ear "thank you thank you thank you thank you"

Bo= Bobby

B - oh hey kid , your awake

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