PART 7 • first day of school

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< Evelyn's pov >

I woke up at 7am from Lacey stretching across my bed , I sat in bed for about 30 minutes.

May came into my room to help me get ready for my first day of school.

M : your gonna be in 1st grade

E : what does that even mean

M : oh it means your gonna be in elementary school and your gonna learn a bunch of new stuff

E : oh , how long do I have to be there

M : only a couple of hours then Bobby will come and pick you up , if you're lucky maybe Buck will be there too

E : are you gonna learn with me

M : no I can't , I'm in 11th grade so I'm in high school with the big people

E : what about Harry

M : Harry's in 7th grade which is middle school I think ?

E : oh so I'm going to be alone

M : no , you'll have Lacey and don't worry , I bet you'll make lots of new friends and you know what , when you get home I want you to tell me one new thing you learnt

E : okay

M : but no cheating ! It has to be something new

E : fine

M : let's get you an outfit then we'll all walk to school together

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