PART 5 • welcome home

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< Buck's pov >

We finally arrived at Athena and Bobby's house , Evelyn was still sleeping peacefully with Lacey .

Before everyone got out of the car Athena said to me "just wait here with Evelyn for a minute Buck , I need to tell Harry and May ."

I stayed sitting in the car with Evelyn and Lacey whilst Athena nd Bobby were probably in the middle of a very awkward conversation about how Harry and May were getting a sister and dog .

< Bobby's pov >

We walked into the house and greeted the kids , Athena called a family meeting so everyone sat at the table , she had already called Michael earlier and told him about Evelyn .

A = Athena
Bo= Bobby
H = Harry
M = May

A : alright kids we need to talk

Bo : ok so you guys know what an orphan is right ?

M : um yeah

H : are you dying ?

A : no no no aha not at all

Bo: the other week I responded to call . It was a house fire , there was a 10 year old girl trapped in the house having an allergic reaction , she is an orphan . She lived in that house all alone with her dog . She was terrified of me and the team but we finally convinced her to get out of the house .

M : mom where is this story going ??

A : she has no parents and no family at all , so we decided that she should come and live with us for a while with her dog too .

H  : wait . So I'm gonna get another sister and a dog ?

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