What Now?

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"You sure?" Mike questioned.

"Positive and she was on the phone talking to Nicole."

"Did you hear the convo?" Jacob questioned.

I just nodded.

"The hell you waiting for talk!" Ej Exclaimed

"So basically Nicole's mama was pushing a cart filled to the brim with food. And on the phone she was asking Nicole why she needed all the food for her and a male plus one. I didn't hear Nicole's response but the mama's response was "Do y'all to go all the way to the Hawaii?". I don't know what Nicole's response was but I'm guessing its along the lines of like don't yell out where we going or some shit. i say that because her mama then responds with. "Ain't nobody looking for y'all ass the hell y'all act like y'all stole some". After that I heard her pull off.

"Damn..... So what now?" Monique asked

"We gotta plan some shit. I'll be damned I let her or that bitch get away with taking away my Lucas and getting Jacob shot damn near crippling him. Him and that bitch gotta pay." I say with all seriousness.

"Ok well lets get to work what's the first thing we need to do." Prince asked.

"Well.." Mike said walking over to the living room grabbing his laptop before walking back to the kitchen with us. He sat down in the chair at the table. he signaled to us to come over. We followed suit. He began typing in his password in. He paused for a second.

He turned to us "Cover y'all eyes."

We all signed as we turned our backs.

We heard a series of keys before hearing moans followed by slapping noises.

"Oops forgot to close out my tabs." Mike laughed

"Mike are serious right now." Ej laughed

"Bro you gotta do better man." Prince added as we all giggled

"Hey look y'all are either newly single or in a relationship don't judge me."

"Is the coast clear yet?" I asked face palming.


We all turned around to see the screen. It was the library that we all went to for the first mission. We all looked at each other and smiled while Prince stood in confusion.

"What the hell are we going to do at a library?"

"You'll see" I stated before running upstairs to grab somethings we were going to need to bring to the library.

In My Room.

While I filled my duffle bag with things like notebooks, paper, pens, sticky notes, and any other thing of that nature prince walked without using both crutches only one.

"Can you explain to me why everyone is excited about going to a library?" he asked while looking for some jogging pants to put on.

"You know your a terrible listener, I could've sworn we said we'd tell you once we get there"

He just giggled. the room grew painfully silent.

"So have you went to the doctor or anything." He lowly spoke. "I mean its been about almost a month and your starting to show a little."

I quickly ran towards the mirror to observe my body. I turned to the side my eyes grew big once I seen the bump. It was wasn't too noticeable but it was most definitely there.

I felt Jacob's hand slowly rub circles around my stomach. I slapped his hand away before grabbing the duffle bag and heading downstairs to my car. I hoped in the driver seat and pulled the car up the front of my house. So, Princeton wouldn't have that far to walk. Everyone hooped in there cars and we pulled off to the road. In my car it was just me and prince.

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