Chapter 2: The Start Of A Journey

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(3rd Person View)

The sobs of the young boy could be heard quite loudly after the lifting words of All Might, the Number One hero, the symbol of Peace.

Ever since he appeared on the scenes, he has gained an inmense amount for popularity, with every year decreasing the appeareance of villains until he himself became a deterrence against villainy, a man that lives up to his name.

That same person, was the one that told the poor, quirkless boy that he can become a hero, rekindling his fire, brighter than ever before.

"I believe that you're worthy of inheriting my power!", said All Might dramatically, Midoriya looking up, not registering at first what he said. Or rather, he was more confused than anything.

Even Archer raised an eyebrow, his interest peaked.

All Might let out a loud laughter, finding the boy's reaction comical.

"What's that face for?! It's a proposal! The real work begins here! Listen, my boy.", he pointed his finger at Midoriya," I'm asking you... if you want to try accepting my power!"

"His power?... What he's trying to say?", Archer whispered to himself, struggling to understand this development.

"This concerns my Quirk, kid. The media likes to guess that it's Super Strenght or Boost Power. And I avoid the questions in the interviews by making jokes. That's because All Might, the Symbol of Peace, has to come off as a natural-born leader", started explaining as he tried styling his hair straight up.

"In reality, however, my Quirk was passed down to me, like the olympic torch!", All Might finishes as he spread his arms.

"Passed... down to you... really?!", said Midoriya, explicitly confused.

"Yes. And it may be your turn." responded to the boy as the wind briefly exposes his devastating injury from long ago.

"Hold on a second! But if that's the case...", the boy started muttering rapidly about the theories that were out there on the internet about All Might's Quirk and how it was a big mystery.

"All Might's Quirk can be passed down? But how does that work? How many others were using this Quirk? How such Quirk even function to begin with?", Archer was mumbling this questions, having a difficult time making sense of all of this.

"You really doubt me that much?! Nonsense!", shouted All Might to get the boy's attention.

"I have many secrets but I never lie!" declared the Symbol of Hero.

"I have the ability to transfer power... That's the Quirk I inherited! It is called... One for All!", stated as he holds out his hand as if he is displaying the Quirk itself.

"One for... All?", muttered the kid as he ingraves the name of the Quirk to his mind.

"The first person cultivates the power... and then passes it to another. The next refines it and passes it on again... In this way... Those crying out to be saved and those with brave and true hearts link to form a crystalline network of power!", explained All Might.

"But all this... Why... Why me?", asked the kid in confusion, trying to understand what he's trying to say.

"I've been searching for a successor for a while... And I believe that you are worthy!!", pointed to Midoriya in declaration.

"You may be Quirkless. A mere Hero Admirer. But... Back there, you were more heroic than anyone else!", stated the blonde man, " But of course, it all depends on you! What you say?", asked free of worries or doubts as he let out a chuckle.

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