Chapter 3: A Blurred Line

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(3rd Person View)

The vigilante and the Pro Hero stared at each other, waiting for one of them to make the first move. And so, Hawks chose to take the initiative, closing the distance between them in an instant. Archer couldn't help but raise his eyebrow, somewhat surprised seeing his opponent's speed in person.

Archer made up its mind to stay in the defensive for this battle, gauging the Wing Hero's combat abilities and find a weakness to exploit, disengage and escape. However, he's not aware that Hawks had somewhat the same strategy in mind, the difference being that he will intentionally take an offensive posture.

Hawks made the first move, using his speed with no hesitation to close the distance. He took a swing at Archer with his feather swords, however, Archer evaded that easily. But before Archer could distance himself, Hawks went to the offensive once again. The Wing Hero proceeded to attack almost nonstop at his opponent, with each moment increasing his speed and momentum, leaving Archer with barely no room to move or even attack. The Pro Hero's footwork and agility was something worth noting.

To Hawks's surprise, Archer was able to block, evade and occasionally parry every single attack, even when he increased his speed with each passing moment.

"For an old man, you're keeping up pretty good. I'm impressed", said Hawks.

"I can't hardly take that as a compliment, seeing as how you're still holding back.", replied Archer.

"I'm still warming up, you know? I gotta keep things interesting. But let's take it to the next level", said Hawks with an amused smirk.

The Wing Hero took a step back, distancing himself from the black bowman. He then uses his wings to fly around Archer in circles. Archer was having a difficult time tracking him, as Hawks was flying at speeds that were hard to track at such close distance.

Hawks uses this momentum and superhuman speed to strike at Archer from all sorts of angles, swinging his feather swords to attempt to incapacitate his opponent. To his surprise, the swordsman was still able to block and evade his attacks somewhat easily. It's almost as if he's used to handle against opponents much faster and stronger than him. Hawks could tell that this man has quite a ton of battle experience.

Seeing as how his attacks seem ineffective against Archer, he changed his strategy, "So far so good, old man. You're quite something else, with your tough defenses and all. Time for something different", declared the Wing Hero as he landed on the street, putting some distancing between them.

Dozens of small feathers started to come out of his wings, staying close to Hawks but aimed at Archer. Shortly after, Hawks send his feathers to strike at Archer directly. The white-haired man planted his feet at the ground with force and started deflecting the feathers as fast as he could. However, a number of them struck their mark, making cuts on his body and limbs. After what seemed like an eternity, the feathers stopped and went back to Hawks as he stood there observing his opponent.

Archer stood there catching his breath after that barrage of indirect attacks, his whole body having flesh wounds and cuts, bleeding all over. None of them were lethal, as that would be unbecoming of a hero like Hawks. Or so he would like to think.

From Hawks point of view, he seems like he's only defending himself so far. He hasn't even tried to go on the offensive, even at the small windows where could had tried. He was holding back, there's no doubt about it. Hawks couldn't help but wonder why. And the way that his opponent has handled his attacks, as if he already been in this kind of situations before, more often than not. And the way he blocked and evaded his attacks seemes like he almost knew what to do before it happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2022 ⏰

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