Chapter 1: You Too Can Become A Hero

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After almost an hour running to the district where the special deal was happenning, Archer stumbled across quite the situation, the plaza was on flames while a crowd of people were at the entrance of the plaza. They were all chattering, their faces obviously hinting that they're worried about something. 

Archer proceeded to get a better view of what was going on from the other side of the street, where the whole commotion was happening, "Well, so much for getting those deals for groceries...", he mutters to himself as he sighs. But when he noticed how serious the situation was, he couldn't help but slip out a gasp of surprise.

The whole plaza was on fire, there was almost no buildings there that wasn't been burned down. But most importantly, the sludge villian from a while ago was surprisingly there, trying to take control of someone. That person was putting up a ferocious, but desperate fight against the villain with his explosions, at the cost of burning and destroying the plaza and making it impossible for the nearby heroes to help him. Based on the glimpses of the uniform, it must be a middle-school student.

"How did that villain got here? I saw All Might capture him...", muttered thinking of the possible ways that the villain escaped. But that didn't mattered, what mattered is that somehow he is here.

The Pro Heroes that were in the morning were present in this situation but they were preoccupied with helping civilians, stopping the fire from spreading and unable to go against the villain. They were waiting for someone who would havethe right Quirk to help the kid, but the longer they waited, the chances of survival for that kid were getting low with every passing second.

Archer felt the need to intervene but his hesitation was greater than the need to save the kid. If he does something about it, he will get a lot of attention from the public and the news, attention that he can't afford because of his false identity. Anyone clever enough and with enough time could figure him out and that would jeopardize his vigilante days. But if nobody acts, the student will most likely die.

His options were stay low and wait for a Pro Hero to help out or take initiative and compromise his identity in this unfamiliar world to save a life.

Before he could come up with a decision, he noticed a blonde man with baggy clothes and a scrawny, zombified phisique that caught his attention. He looked as if he's in pain and exhausted, probably running to this direction to see what was the commotion about. But one thing was very noticeable is the guilt in his seemingly dead eyes, as if he carried the weight of the whole world in his shoulders and failed at that single task.

The sick-looking man looked like he was hesitant about something... no, more like he was already giving up hope of him doing anything at all. The man was holding his stomach, as if he's in a lot of pain or at his limit.

Archer took a mental note of remembering that man for future reference, but his attention went straight to the crowd as he saw the green-haired kid from earlier. His back is facing Archer so he can't get a good look at him, but he can't mistake that hair.

After a few moments, shockingly, the kid sprung into action. He went sprinting straight to the villain. The whole crowd let out gasps of surprise, seeing a fragile kid go directly to the deadly villain.

"What is he doing?!", said Archer, amazed by, in his standards, the idiotic and unlogical decision of the kid. The Pro Heroes are also astonished by this new development, giving pleads of warning about the dangerous act his comitting.

The plain-looking teenager seemed terrified to face again the same villain that almost killed him earlier, but still went for with it. The villain surely recognized him and decided to attack him with his sludge, but before he could reach him, the kid threw his yellow backpack at the sludge villain and was able to hit him, stunning the foe for a few precious seconds. He then procedes to try to dig out the other student with his bare hands desperately, "Kacchan!", screamed the boy.

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