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-RSMO  10.0-

KENT: Hello and good evening. Kent Brockman reporting from Springfield. It is 6:00 in the American empire of October 20, 2001. We are now in the beginnings of the Fourth International Catastrophe between empires. A few short weeks ago, the International Senate has declared war on Rome and India, after both of those nations opened hostilities on member nations. all empires of the world began the process of mobilization for their armed forces. Americans, if you are 16 years and older, you are called upon the national government to enlist in our forces before the implementation of the draft. All those who are living on the west coast and the Congo territories are all expected to be drafted and must report to the nearest recruitment center immediately. Our industrial Mid-west area has begun its conversion to military production. A combination of M60 Pattons and M1 Abrams is being produced for our land forces, and speaking of tanks, a few Third Catastrophe relics are being recommissioned including a few M4 Shermans and M26 Pershings. New jets classified under the DOD are in production as well.

Overseas, our brother in arms the British Empire has already begun fighting the Romans in North Africa. Her Majesty's Foreign Tank Legion. which hails from Yokohama City, Japan, has begun a rigorous campaign in North Africa. Our French allies have begun skirmishes on territories stolen by the Romans in the Third Catastrophe and are drafting all able-bodied men into the military, as well as beginning food rationings for its citizens. Russia and Germany are also mobilizing their forces on the borders of the enemy nations, of course, Russia will want to mobilize onto Rome's borders, but in the vicinity of India's borders, we know that is where most of the military sector will be. The Japanese, while still recovering from the blow on Pyongyang, are beginning their mobilization against Roman South Korea. The Japanese Imperial Navy have recommissioned some of their old ironclads and battleships, especially the super battleship Nintendo, into the fleet of modern destroyers and aircraft carriers for naval support.

Various skirmishes have begun in China with British General Sun Tzu leading a combined force of German, British, and Japanese forces. In the American Congo, local regiments have begun providing aid and power to the Zulu Pridelands military who are meeting up with the German army in defending Pridelands from the Indian and Roman invaders.

We will update all of you as the details become more clear. The world has been geared for war, and the lamps of peace are all fading out everywhere. We will never see the light of peace in our lifetime... most likely. From Springfield, this is Kent Brockman for RSMO 10.0.

-RSMO 10.0-

The world is at war,
Military has been sent,
Peace is no Bueno

With the guidance of the leaders of the free world, peace can be achieved.

With guidance by our glorious empress and the Three Heroes, honor will be maintained, and global domination possible.

The empires of the world have called all peoples to fight for freedom

Rome calls upon all men to expand her borders.

The world has mobilized for war, and the flames of peace are slowly reeling away, and will never come back in a few lifetimes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2021 ⏰

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