Chapter 8: An Incident in Vienna

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Queen Melty is in a pickle at the moment. Her private train should have gone along the borders of Russia arriving back to the Balkan states of Greece, but some confusion with the signalmen and engineer, her train ended up in Vienna, in the Roman Empire. As if that wasn't bad enough, her train has stopped for maintenance.

"Mr. Karpsui" Melty calls out, "We are in the Austrian territories".

"Yes, I see that" her butler says.

"We are not suppose to be here, we should be somewhere in Russia, they are the only ones who allow us through with our open borders agreement".

"There was a problem in communication between the engineer and the signal men, and it's also the fact that our train is having technical problems. We are having it fixed as we speak".

"How long will it take to have this train up and running?" Melty asks, not wanting to stay in the Roman Empire longer than she has to.

"It'll take a few hours your majesty" Her butler says. The engineer asks to speak with the butler, and as they converse Melty just thinks to herself. Who is Malty to have in control if she does suddenly parish. With no heir apparent, she is technically next in line, she would unite the empire of Rome and Greece. But with the Three Heroes Church being prominent in Rome, ruling will be difficult with many of the aristocrats who would oppose change from Greek policies wanting her out of power. If Rome is without an heir, it is surly open to invasion and socialist uprisings. True she wants to help Egypt rise against Rome, but she only wants to seek territories independence not topple the Roman Empire. She sees Rome having potential for democratic rule. As she was thinking, her butler abruptly comes in.

"Excuse me your majesty" he says. "I'm sorry to intrude, but the engineer has told me that everyone must be off the train, including you ma'am". Melty worries more than ever. Not only is she stuck her for another couple of hours, but now she has to go into the wide open, the last thing she needed right now.

"Out in Vienna? Out in the public? Where some nationalist anti-democratic punk might come out upon me and assassinate me?" She says worryingly.

"If you wear a cloak, we should be alright" her butler responds.

"That's going to make me more suspicious" Melty replies. She controls herself. After all, they'll just be sitting at the train station. It's not like they are going into town anyway. She'll be-


"Your majesty. I think we should head into town for dinner" her butler says to an embarrassed Melty. Now she HAS to go into town. Taking the advice of her butler, Melty wears the cloak and walks into town incognito. Fortunately, the people here are rather too stupid or too into their worship of the Three Heroes to even pay attention to her. She enters one of the restaurants in Vienna, the Vienna Steakhouse to be precise, hoping not to be recognized by anyone. She sits down and asks for a meal of small roast beef and salad with a glass of water. She looks around the large restaurant, hoping not to see any familiar faces.

'Ok, good' Melty thinks to herself. 'No one bad that I know, especially my sister, is here. I guess if no one could tell that I am from Greece, I think I should be-'


Melty hears the very rapturous belching from the other side of the restaurant. And there she sees her worst fears. The one person she didn't need to see today. It was Empress Malty, eating a large sirloin steak  and behaving wildly, while Kaname just sits there and watch.

"Your Graciousness" Kaname says. "Maybe you should, I don't know? Be a bit more... calm".

"Are you kidding!?" Malty replies rudely, "I am the empress! I can do whatever I want and no one will tell me otherwise. Or else I'd-"

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