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The year 2001 AS. After Spielberg. The Roman Empire has survived this long. It has expanded her empire to the corners of the globe. They are conquers, warmongers, imperialists, and overall industrialists, or so the upper class is. The class divide is quite large between the haves and the have nots. And then there is the other issue the Roman Empire clings on to. Slaves. They gather the peoples of these conquered lands and enslaved them to build gargantuous wonders the likes which no one has ever seen. It was already 1854 when the entire world, mostly the world power the English Empire, when slavery was outlawed. The Americans had a civil war over this same issue. The fact that Rome still used slave labor was appalling to the world. It didn't matter to them though. They had the biggest empire the world has ever seen, there have been other empires but Rome was the longest surviving empire. Nations formed from the minor defeats of this empire, for rebellion was ripe and independence was wanted. Many of the independent nations in Europe used to be under the control of Rome, but independence came and two other nations formed. The kingdom of Germany which is now lead by the Kaiser Von Hohenheim and the French Republic currently lead by President Tamaki Suoh. Even so, Rome had claims all around the world. Africa, South America, Asia, the South Pacific, claims laid all over the place. And Empress Malty S Melromarc was at the forefront of this empire.

Empress Malty was the most notorious ruler that Rome has ever seen. Given the empire after his father, Emperor Aultcray, died in 1973, Malty continued her father's policies of aggression, discrimination against the Demi-humans of the African Continent that lived in the colonies, and the taxation of the poor and destitute. She lived amongst the upper echelon of Roman society while her subjects lived in poverty. She grew up spoiled and got whatever she wanted, and in turn she would grow up to have her own agenda of conquest formed by her father. While the subjects were suffering, Malty continues to roll around in wealth, power, and conquest. The other empires of the world looked down on them for the misuse of power of this empire and their persecution of Demi-humans. In the past few years, tension was growing between Rome and the rest of the world. The Romans have conquered many lands and enslaved those people. The Brazilians, The Egyptians, the Indonesians, and the Chinese, slaves to Rome. These slaves fueled their empire and the extraction of resources of the territories.

Of course, Empress Malty's mother, the Empress consort Mirellia Q Melromarc was not happy with the policies of the Roman Empire, even before her eldest ascended the throne. So she filed a divorce, which was frowned upon by the Three Heros Church, and she and her youngest daughter Melty Q Melromarc fled to her home in the Kingdom of Greece to become the Queen, and upon her death, her daughter was crowned queen. Since then, there has been a constant pseudo war between the Romans and the Greeks. From espionage, blockades, and threats to arms races and imperial squabbles. Most of these ended with the rising American Empire to intervene to protect economic interests.

The Romans were a very aggressive people, being the main causes for the three major international catastrophes of two centuries. The first one in 1915 as a war of independence on the continent, another one in 1934 as the Great European War to end all wars, and a third one in 1978 because of Malty's aggressive ambitions to rule the world, as well as a dispute between Rome and Germany. Just recently, a feud between the royals disrupted into the third international catastrophe which led to sour relations with not just Germany but the entire international community.

This year, the year of Spielberg 2001, the policies of Rome's past finally boils over. The people are sick and tired of living in tyranny, slaves yearn for their freedom, relations with Rome, Germany, and France are sour, and the technological race for destruction has reached a standstill, with most of the major empires possessing nuclear power, first used in the Third International Catastrophe by the Romans against the Aztecs. The whole world is about to boil over, and it would start within the Roman Empire itself.

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