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Matthew's eyes shot open, like he was awakened by this divine presence. Olive stood before him, her short hair gathered around her face like it had in the stairwell barely a week before. She looked down at him with that soft smile, laced with relief and disbelief. She dropped beside him and grabbed him around the shoulders, and Matthew pulled himself upward into her arms. He held onto her so tightly, his veins pulsing with the overwhelming emotion. He pushed away the urge to cry.

"What's wrong with you, man?" Dusty asked from somewhere behind them, rubbing his ribcage on the right side. Matthew's eyes flickered up to him, and for the first time in days, he laughed.

"I'm sorry, Dusty," Matthew said, and Dusty shot him a weak smile. He was genuinely happy to see him. He felt more eyes on him, still.

As he held onto Olive, his eyes kept searching. Jason and Meng watched from a few feet away, almost huddled together. There were two others that Matthew had never seen before just off to the side. The place, now a boneyard of empty tables and silent machines, he knew all too well. Just like they'd planned.

"Glad you made it," Jason said. If Matthew had enough energy to roll his eyes, he knew he would've. Olive let go of him finally, and Matthew felt his chest loosen. He hadn't realized how tight they've been gripping each other. She turned away from him, locking eyes with Jason.

"Jason, get him some water," she said, and the boy nodded. Meng came forward as he left, stopping over Matthew and smiling wide.

"Hey Matthew," she said, waving slightly. Matthew smiled, and his entire face felt like it had been sunburned. He coughed again, looking at Olive apologetically when he was done. The look on her face said it all. He knew he must've looked like hell, and he suddenly felt embarrassed.

He sat up slightly, pulling his hospital gown closer around him for security. The cool floor felt good against his back, after the excruciating heat of the outside world.
"I need clothes," Matthew said simply. Olive's eyes landed on Dusty, who she didn't have to ask. He just nodded, disappearing somewhere off to the left, into the depths of the Arcade.

It was strange, seeing the place like this. It was entirely dark, save for the bright orange that filtered in from the outside. The machines were all shut off, and everything was painfully silent.

"Come sit down at the booth," Olive pulled Matthew further up into a sitting position, nodding towards the booth with a turn of her head. Even in the darkness, Matthew could see fields in her eyes, and for some reason he wanted to tell her that.

But instead, he wrapped his arm around her instead, and walked with her to the booth, where they sat back against the vinyl with a familiar thud.

"What happened to you?" Olive asked. The last thing Matthew wanted to do was rehash. He really only wanted to hear about her.

"Can I-" Matthew started, but then immediately started coughing. His throat was lined with dust, and burned when he tried to speak.

"Jason!" Olive called, and Meng shook her head in her annoyance.

"I'll go get him," Meng said, and the room was just the two of them. Matthew liked it this way.

Then, he caught sight of the pair of unfamiliar eyes at the right, just over Olive's shoulder. They looked at Matthew with wide eyes, mouths slightly open. Matthew furrowed his brow at them, hoping Olive would understand.

"They were here before us. They don't talk much," Olive said. Matthew looked between the two of them. They were two boys, both skinny and tallish, sort of like Matthew. But these boys had gaunt faces and tired looks.

Jason appeared, Meng right on his heels, carrying a small cup of water. He handed it to Matthew, who nodded his thanks.

"Now, tell us what happened," Jason said flatly, uncaring of Matthew's condition. Meng put a rag down on the empty table in front of them.

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