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I woke up to the sounds of music blasting into my ears.

- Oh my fucking God! - i sat up, shouting, and looking around looking for the culprit.

Of course it was my best friend Keith.

- Finally you're awake. I thought you're dead or something. - he laughed, turning the volume down.

- As you can see, you were wrong. - i squinted my eyes a little, out of frustration.

- It sure looked like it tho. - he sat down on the side of my bed, as i threw myself back onto my pillows.

- How did you get in here anyways? This is the girls dorm.

- I have my ways. - he said straightening his back proudly.
- And your roommate let me in, so i wouldn't get in trouble. - he told me, adjusting his hat.

- I really gotta have a talk with her about letting people in. - i let out a sigh, and got out of bed.

- Ooh don't say that. You love me. - he said teasingly, sticking his tongue out standing up.

- Yeah yeah, i sure do, but can you please get out so I can change. We don't wanna be late from school are we? - i questioned putting a hand on my hips with a smile.

He let out a groan.

- But they're gonna notice me out there, and chase me out. And it's not like we've haven't changed in front of each other. - he informed me, like i didn't know about it.

- But we were so much younger back than. - i let out a small laugh, looking at his puppy dog eyes.
- Okay you can stay, but i'm going to change else where. - i started to grab my things that i wanted to wear for the day, and rushed into the bathroom.

I closed the door after myself, and put on a bra, a (f/c) shirt, a black leggins (sorry if you don't like to wear leggins, then just change that part to whatever you're confortable with), my (f/c) baggy hoodie and some socks.

I went back out to Keith, who was looking at his phone, probably texting his girlfriend.

I quietly snuck up behind him, and grabbed both of his sides. He yelped looking back at me with wide eyes.

- Stop! I could have dropped my phone. - he turned his head back forward.

I let out a small giggle, and started to pull him towards the door, grabbing my bag in the progress.
Putting on my (f/c) shoes and we quickly left, not forgeting to lock the door.

We rushed out before anyone noticed Keith, and while talking we immediately started to go to the schools direction.

- How come you came to wake me up shorty? Didn't you told me you were going with your girl? - i asked, trying to fix up my messy hair.

- Quit calling me shorty. - he snapped his head in my way.
- You're just like 1,9 inches (5 centimeters i think) taller than me. And she said i shouldn't pick her up, cuz her parents are home. - he pouted a little, looking back at his device.

- The best 1,9 inches i have ever had i my life.

When we got to the school gates, we saw Pico already waiting for us there.

- What took you long boneheads? - he came up to us with a frown, giving us the usual morning high fives.

- Over slept a little. - i touched the back of my head nervously.

- You dumb buffoon. - he said pinching the bridge of his nose.
- You really should go to sleep earlier. - with that, we gone past the gates.


Well hello there, Author here. I hope you all liked this chapter. Please give me feedback, negative or positive, it doesn't really matter.
And yes, you're taller than the boyfriend. I find it's cute.
I hope to see you next time.

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