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- Please (Y/N). Come over. Please, please. - Keith pleaded to me, clinging to my arm.

We already finished our classes for the day, but we didn't wanted to go home just yet, so we decited to just go to the closest park, or somewhere where we can sit down.

- Why don't you ask Cherry? - i asked, not even looking up from my phone.
- Did you guys had a fight or something?

I know that Pico can't hang out with us now. He said he have to take care of some things, but he probably just went to practise his aiming skills.

- No, I just want to hang out with you some more. My parents would be happy to see you as well. They always ask me when will you be visiting. - he put his head on my shoulder.

- I don't knoooow... - i trew my head back, groaning a little.

- Don't be a lazy dump. Just come, it will be fuuun. - he said shaking me a little by my arm.

- So I'm a lazy dump now. - i looked at him, pretending to be hurt, putting a hand on my heart.

- You're not one if you come over. - he said grinning at me.

- Okay. - i let out a laugh, giving him the answer that he wanted to hear.
- Is someone else gonna be there? - i asked getting up from my seat.

- Nah, it's just going to be us. I didn't planed on inviting anyone else. It's just gonna be like in the old times. - he said, letting go of my arm, so i can gather all my thing.

- Okay, then what are we waiting for, lets get going. - i put my bag on one of my shoulder, and put my hand on his back, and started to guide hime towards his houses direction.

- Finally. - he excitedly jumped up and punched in the air, making me laugh at his childishness.

- You're such a child sometimes. - i put my hand on the nape of his neck.

- No, I'm not. I'm a grown man. - he straighten his back proudly.

- A grown ass man who almost dropped out of college if I didn't convinced you not to do it. - i said in a baby voice putting his head in a gentle chokehold.

- It's not my fault that school sucks and I wanted to get away from it to just do what i want to do. - he said, trying to escape from my arms.

- But you love us enough that you stayed. - implying to Cherry, Pico and myself, i happily smiled at him, letting go of him.
- We're here.

- Thanks for stating out the obvious. - he rolled his eyes with a grin on his face.

He pulled out his keys from his pocket, and unlocked the door.

- Mom, dad I'm home! - he announced loudly, which made my ears ring.

- My ears are bleeding. - i said, rubbing one of them.

- No they're not. - he said grimacing.

- Keith, stop being so damn loud. - his mom, came out to us, and when she saw me, she let out a small gasp.
- (Y/N)! I didn't know you're going to come and visit us. - she gave me a quick and strong hug, squeezing the air out of me.
- You should have told me Keith. - she said smacking him on the back of his head hard enough that his hat fell off.
- Come on, lets go and have lunch. - she let me go, and gone into the dining room, leaving us there.

- I started to think that if that hat comes of your hair is going to come with it. - i joked, ruffling up his already messy dyed blue hair.

- God damn it. - he face palmed, with a sigh, but i still can see that the corner of his mouth is curved up a little.

We took of our shoes, and Keith grabbed my bag running to put them in his room, then we went to the dining room as well.

Change of heart (Keith x reader)Where stories live. Discover now