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- I think we should start heading home. It's getting late. - i stood up, taking out my phone to look at the time.

- Then why are you still here? - asked Pico, not even looking at me as he was swiching between the channels.

- Why did you invite me in the first place if you don't want me here? - i bonked his a little harder.

- Yea, put more words in my mouth. - he got up, rubbing his head.
- If i didn't wanted you here i wouldn't have invited you in the first place. - he grabbed a fistfull of my hoodie, yanking me closer.

- You're like an old married couple. - Cherry said, as she got up, and went to the door to gather her things.

- More like two rabid dogs fighting. - said Keith, squashing between us, to let each other go.
- Love each other dammit. - he said, while still trying to separate us.

- We do. See? - i reached and stroked the ginger hair.

- Get your nasty hands away from me. - he said, making a disgusted face, but not even making an effort to move away from my touch.

- See, he loves me. - i smiled, patting him a couple of times, then took my hand away after finishing.

- You guys are so stupid. - he rolled his eyes, stepping away from the both of us.

- Did you find it? - i moved my head to the side a little.

- Find what? - he asked narrowing his eyes.

- Your brain. You were looking for that, right? - i smiled innocently, knowing full well that i'm pushing his buttons.

He took a deep breath, refraining from saying anything else to me.

- Let's just go, before Pico shoot you. - Keith threw his arm around my shoulder guiding me away from our angry friend.
- I'll walk you home. - he looked at Cherry, letting me go.

- You're really sweet, but you can't. My parents would freak out. I call an uber or something, don't worry. - she kissed him on his lips.

- Don't eat each others face. - said Pico jokingly, walking up to us.

- God i'm so single. - i grimaced, putting on my shoes and my bag.

- Then have a safe trip home. - they said to each other with a smile.

All of us said our goodbyes to one another and we started heading home. Cherry immediately called an uber, while Pico just went back inside.

- I walk you home then. - Keith said following me close.
- And I don't take 'no' for an answer. - he informed me after he saw that i opened my mouth.

- No one would kidnap me, so you don't have to worry. - i rolled my eyes with a smile, putting my arm around his shoulders.

- I can't really disagree with you on that one, but I'm not taking chances. - i pulled on his ears lightly with a sadistic smile.

- You're not supposed to agree with me. - he made me let go of his ears.

On the whole way we were chating about anything that came to our minds.
He mentioned that he's gonna perform friday night, and he would like me to be there. I of course said yes to it.

When we got to my dormatorium, we gave each other a quick hug, said our goodbyes, and he waited for me until I gone, then he started to go back home too.

Change of heart (Keith x reader)Where stories live. Discover now